You saying that your glad i'm British?

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Hello! This is my personal au inspired by the creator of "Tommyinnits cafe for supervillains"

I have used the names of the hero's and villains as i am too dumb to come up with my own.


I can't use my original account at the moment so i'm writing here! My original account is Covid413

Anyway i hope you enjoy this!


TW: Self harm and sewerslide talk. As well as, abuse, pills, self medicating, taking others prescription, hints of starving oneself, unwanted touching, hints at r4pe.


Tommy's staff slams into the ground as He uses the momentum to fling himself over the ally and to the rooftop in front of him. The wind hits his face and blows hair into his eyes but he laughs it off. Adrenaline pups through Tommy's limbs as He throws his feet forward and prepares to land but he didn't move fast enough. The toe of his shoe catches the ledge and he trips forward. His stomach catches the ledge and he groans as his chest scrapes roughly against the ground.

"Fuckin' hell." He grumbles as he pulls himself fully onto the roof to stand up fully. He turns to the building he had just jumped from and grimaced at the hero who was four buildings away from him. Which is still way to close because that fucker can throw knifes. But his goggles are still cool. Well, technically his entire getup is just pog.

Checkered vans, White dress pants that rest on top of the shoes, mid tone blue long sleeve shirt adorned with a white box outlined in red that sits in the middle of his chest. Then to the white fluff that's sewn into the shoulders with a red cape with white dots resembling a mushroom that falls from it. His white rimmed goggles sit right above his nose, they cover his upper cheek and part of his forehead. The blacked out lenses keep anyone from seeing his eyes to.

Tommy turns on his heel and jogs across the rooftop. The night sky makes it hard to know where in the city he is but he's pretty sure that the café is close by here. Tommy swallows and prays that he's right about what building he's on as he jumps off the roof. He twists in the air while grabbing the ledge of the building, he uses the momentum of the fall to slam his feet into the window smashing it to pieces. He flicks his wrist to store his staff in his inventory while pushing himself off the floor. He takes a quick glance around and Tommy was very glad he has this face mask as part of his costume because oh, the room he broke into had a guy who was ehm, playing with himself. (ew)

Tommy excuses himself by running to the door and slamming it open. He's quick to run towards the elevator that was in the building and press a button to close the door. But right as Tommy pressed the button a boom echos down the hall from the door he had previously closed. It was open now and 404 was stepping out of the room. He turned to look at the elevator and Tommy swears to god that he could see murder in the hero's eyes as he stared at Tommy with flushed cheeks.

Although Tommy wasn't originally planning on breaking his finger today he thought it was necessary to continuously slam his finger against the button as the door closed slowly. 404 pulled out a knife as he ran and oh fucking shit this is where Tommy dies. The knife flies from his fingers and cuts right through Tommy's cape and plants itself into the wall right as the door closes. A slam is heard right after the doors close and Tommy can only assume that he couldn't stop running in time.

Tommy lets out a laugh as he turns to grab 404's knife before pausing because He can't just touch that right after 404 did. Because his power is stupid strong. With the ability to not only make someone fall asleep by touching them but also the fact that he can manipulate those dreams to collect information. Also with the added factors of being able to infect what he touches with his power, Like say that his knife would've hit Tommy right after he used his power on it then it would've transferred to Tommy and he would've passed out.

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