a flag gets captured, a child gets claimed

Start from the beginning

"good luck," travis told him. "luke's the best swordsman in the last 300 years."

"maybe he'll go easy on my," percy shrugged.

travis just snorted and turned around to sasha. "pair up with me?"

sasha hummed in acknowledgement as the two moved away from the centre to have space to spar. 

sasha wasn't having a hard time with travis, even while keeping half her attention on percy and luke. luke was not going easy on percy, demonstrating  different thrusts, parries, and shield blocks the hard way. percy got more battered and bruised with each step. "keep your guard up, percy!" sasha heard luke direct, then whap him in the ribs with the flat of his blade. "no, not that far up!" whap! "lunge!" whap! "now, back!" whap!

luke called a break, so sasha took the opportunity to disarm travis quickly and with ease, sending the older boy sprawling into the dirt. she smirked down at him, offering a hand. 

"maybe next time i'll go easy on you," she whispered in his ear as she hauled him up. travis smiled and shook his head as he dusted himself off.

sasha noticed everyone swarming the drinks cooler. she decided to approach percy. 

"you're getting you're ass handed on a silver plate," she said as she reached him. 

percy twirled around at the sound of her voice. immediately, he scowled at her before turning back around to grab a cold water. "and i'm guessing you're the best swordsman - i mean swordswoman at camp?" he said, uncapping the bottle. 

sasha chuckled. "i prefer to use twin daggers, so no, i am not the best swordswoman at camp. that title stays with luke. just," she added smiling to herself, stuffing her hands in the back pocket of her shorts.

percy raised an eyebrow at her sly tone, but didn't address it. while he took a sip of water, he got a pensive look in his eyes. he swallowed before asking, "golden ones, right? you were playing with one outside the hermes cabin. i didn't see the other one though."

sasha raised her eyebrows, surprised at his observation but nodded. she lifted her left wrist to show him her watch. she twisted the crown, making two perfectly-balanced knives with 12 inch double-edged blades and embellished hilts appear in her palms. she let percy see them for a moment before turning them back into watch form. 

"what about your bow?"

sasha tilted her head and furrowed her brows at him, wondering when he had seen heosphoros in bow form.

his ears tinted red. "when i was...eavesdropping...i had to hide in the janitor closet. i heard clopping which i now know was chiron's hooves. i could just about see you and grover through the window. you were holding a bow," he answered the unspoken question. "you looked kinda badass," he added, lifting one hand to rub the back of his neck.

badass, huh? "uh, yeah. heosphoros," she lifted her wrist to indicate that she was referring to her watch, "can turn into any weapon i wish. i don't think there are many weapons like that." she shrugged at the realisation. percy nodded in understanding.

sasha looked over at luke who poured ice water on his head. she wrinkled her nose in disgust. turning back to percy she told him, "you better do that ten feet away from me." he smirked. uh oh.

"do i really?"

before sasha could react, percy poured the water over his head. he shook his hair while taking a step closer to sasha. the water sprayed everywhere, meaning on her too. she let out a small squeal as she jumped away from him. sasha glared at the green-eyed boy, "you little shit-"

the euphotic zone (percy jackson x fem oc fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now