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"You look beautiful today, dear"

"God Joong, can you stop joking for once?"

Seonghwa had just left their shared dorm after the younger had asked him to eat together. He didn't have any classes that day ence why Hongjoong was already waiting for him outside the building, and why he had decided to go out in just a black t-shirt and sweats.

"I'm not joking. You're always beautiful."

Hongjoong pressed a simple kiss onto his lips with a smile and took his hand to walk to the small cafe/reastaurant near campus.

They were currently starting their second year of college, and nothing could go better.

Seonghwa's mother had finally managed to go through with the divorce papers, so his father was now completely out of the picture. She had also managed to get a restraining order against him since he had kept bothering them and now she was completely safe.

Seonghwa and Hongjoong had chosen a college that had both the majors they wanted and had convinced, with their parents help, to get a shared dorm room.

It was quite funny when they had found out their friends too had chosen that same college, and now were about to start their first year.

San and Wooyoung were the same San and Wooyoung as they had always been. Over affectionate and "pda for life". They were never away from each other unless it was for a class.

Yunho and Mingi were still together and even if they liked to tease each other from time to time it was obvious to everyone the amout of love they shared.

Seonghwa also got to know San's brother, Jongho, in the meantime, and along with him, his boyfriend Yeosang. Jongho was still in his last year of highschool but he often saw Yeosang smiling at his phone when they were all together. He knew they were going to last as a couple.

And then there were he and Hongjoong. They usually acted like a married couple and Seonghwa had took a liking in calling all the other's their kids. Sometimes Hongjoong acted like a kid too, but Seonghwa loved him so much and that was just something to add to the list of the cute things the older did.

"You do too, dumbass" He smiled while walking, hand secured in his boyfriend's one.

They arrived at the cafe/restaurant and the younger spetted aside smiling and bowing.

"After you."

"You're acting strange." Seonghwa giggled but complied nonetheless, opening and stepping inside the place.

"Joong, why are the lights—"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!" The lights flicked on and in the big room there were each and every single one of his friends, throwing confetti everywhere and on everyone, screaming and running to the door to engulf Seonghwa in a group hug.

Oh right, it was his birthday today. He was too cought up in his assignments to remember it, but he guessed Hongjoong remembered though.

He smiled and hugged everyone back before turning to his boyfriend with a smile and slightly lucid eyes.


"Bangchan's my friend, the owner. I asked him if we could celebrate here and he said yes as long as I clean up later."

He threw himself on the younger, wrapping his arms around his neck when he felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket.

"Who is it?" Asked Jongho trying to see the caller ID.

"My mother, let me get this."

He walked out and accepted the incoming call. After a few minutes he went back inside with an unreadable expression on his face.

"My father got arrested. Apparently he beat a worker almost to death when he refused to let his buy alcohol when drunk."

They all stayed silent.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Asked Wooyoung putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Well, yeas, it's just strange I guess. To know that he's not around anymore."

"You don't have to worry about any of it Hwa." Hongjoong walked closer and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Today's your day, mhm?"

Seonghwa found himself smiling in the simple touch, and laid his foread on the one of his boyfriend, who smiled in return.

"Eww, get a room you two!"

"Yunho, I'm gonna kick your ass." Hongjoong yelled without actually getting any further from Seonghwa, earning a laugh from him and a couple of giggles among the other's friend, in addition to an extremely dramatic roll of eyes from Yunho himself.

They all ate, played, laughed, as they were all children once again, and nothing could be better in Seonghwa's eyes.


This was perfect.

It came to early the time in which everyone had to go back to their dorms, or home, in Jongho's case, and now only him and Hongjoong remained.

"You can go back, you know that right?"

He nodded, grabbing a broom to help his boyfriend sweep the confetti aound the floor.

"I know, but you did all this for me and..." He smiled. "Thank you, Hongjoong."

"Stop calling me that, it sound like you're mad."

"Not mad, completely," He put down the broom against one table. "And extremely," He walked to Hongjoong. "Head," He hugged his waist. "Over," He placed a peck on the other's lips. "Heels."

Hongjoong cupped his face in his hands with a fond smile on his lips.

"Well, you're lucky then  because your boyfriend also happens to be completely head over heels for you."

And then Hongjoong leaned closer, kissing him so caringly that Seonghwa could feel the affection radiating from that touch.

It's funny how when they were together everything else seemed to completely disappear around them.

How even after everything they went through they were finally together, and loved each other more than ever.

How if Hongjoong had never decided to approach him everything would be different, and Seonghwa would be probably still trying to fit in in his father's standard.

They remained hugged for how long they wanted and then, with one last kiss, they went back to clean (The place wouldn't clean itself).

That night they fell asleep on his bed, cuddled up together and happy.

Nothing could ever bring them apart.

[Hi everyone, I hope you liked this story of mines.
Unfortunately it has come to an end, but in a few days I will be back with another Seongjoong.
The name is "The Light" and the first chapter is already on my profile.

Updates for that one might take a little more time as I want to try a different method of narration (the writing style will probably be the same)

In the meantime, if you haven't already, I've got a couple more books on my profile, feel free to check them out.

I thank you all that have decided to read this, wether if you voted, commented, or if you were simply a silent reader.

Love y'all<333

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