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[a/n: I'm an impatient bitch🧍‍♂️]

"We can eat in my room"

Seonghwa had finished preparing the tteokbokki and was now in the process of putting it into two plates, provided kindly by Hongjoong.

"I mean, the table is covered in boxes and if I'm being honest I don't really like how my parents have decorated the house soo"

"That's fine"

Seonghwa held out to the other male one of the plates, following him through the living room, up the stairs, and into a room and... Well, this definitely looked more like Hongjoong.

The walls were painted a light pastel blue, with random drawings here and there. The bed covers were purple and scrumbled up, he probably didn't make the bed that morning. On the walls there were quite a few posters of different k-pop groups and there -hanging just above his bed- was a flag. Not any flag. One that Seonghwa despised with all his heart. Because the meaning of that flag was what destroyed his life in the first place.

"Please don't mind the mess." spoke Hongjoong resting his plate and two pair of chopticks on the deks to pull the covers a little better onto his bed.

Seonghwa nodded and muttered a low "Don't worry" Before Hongjoong motioned for him to sit with him on the bed once he retrieved his own plate and chopsticks.

Seonghwa complied, sitting down beside him.

His gaze was still fixed on the flag though, it seemed like his mind wouldn't let him take his eyes off of it.

He could never be this open about it.

He couldn't even afford to let someone know.

He blinked back into reality when he saw a face moving forward to stop just a few cemtimeters from his own.

The expression on the purple haired male was serious, something Seonghwa never saw before in the other. That was explained when he asked with a stern tone "Are you homophobic?"

Seonghwa raised an eyebrow.

"Do I look homophobic?"

"Just a little right now" Hongjoong was back to his playful self after that and Seonghwa figured that he understood that Seonghwa wasn't homophobic at all. Hell how could he, of all, be homophobic? For fuck's sake he was as straight as a wet noodle. He still felt the need to specify it though.

"I'm not homophobic, my father is."

That apparently made something click in Hongjoong as he completely stopped eating to look at him.

"Is that why you didn't want to go home?"

Seonghwa couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe that he felt the need to explain the situation and even less to someone he met not even a week before, but Hongjoong's presence was comforting in a way, and he felt safe. Why? He didn't know, but he did nonetheless, so he started.

"It's not necessarily that, I mean, that's a part of it, but my parents fight a lot. At one point my father strted hitting both my mother and me. He stopped once... He stopped later on."

Yeah, he couldn't afford to let someone know the whole truth, even if the other didn't seem like someone that would spread rumors.

But the possibility was there and if his father heard something he didn't like, Seonghwa didn't know what he might be able to do.

And he didn't want to find out.


"Where have you been Seonghwa?!" His father yelled once he entered the front door.

It wasn't unusual of him not to come home right after school, but it was the first time he returned after 18:00 (06:00 p.m.).

He had to admit it, Hongjoong earlier had suggested to watch something like a tv series or a film, and they ended up watching both of the "Avatar" movies forgetting the time, until the other's mother had came home announcing that his father had been forced to have one last meeting before he could go home too.

At that Seonghwa had looked at the time and panicked, storming out of Hongjoong's house in a rush.

"I was at a friend's, dad." He replyed knocking off his shoes by the doorstep.

"Was it a girl or a boy?"

"Does it matter?"

"Yes, my son isn't a faggot"

Seonghwa rolled his eyes subtly as he walked to the staircase mumbling an annoyed -and maybe a little sad- "I already told you it was just a phase"

As he was walking up the stairs he heard his mother yelling at his father from the kitchen "Leave our son alone!!" but he didn't stop to listen.

He had been there for just five minutes and he already wanted to run away as far as he could from his house.

He couldn't stand it.

He couldn't stand them.

The rest of the yells were just a muffled background noise as he locked himself in his room and sat at his desk.

They were irrelevant when all he could feel right then and there were tears forming at the corners of his eyes.

He hadn't cried in so long it felt unfamiliar, but it felt good to actually let out at least a part of the feelings he had managed to bury so deep in himself.

It felt good because for once in so long, he had managed to have fun with someone, he had managed not to think about everything that was worrying him with the company of someone else.

It was Hongjoong.

He had managed to make him feel at home when he didn't feel like that even at his own house.

He had managed to make him forget.

Seonghwa was so grateful,

and Hongjoong didn't even know it.

~𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℂ𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕣~ [SeongJoong]Where stories live. Discover now