Chapter 151: Comet's Desire & Elaine's Instincts

Start from the beginning

"However, just because I can traverse various realms doesn't mean I'll be taking you to the OverRealm; that place is many times more dangerous than a mere Heavenly realm. Divine cultivators are a common sight, and Celestial cultivators, while much rarer, aren't considered anything too special. With how you are right now, sending you to the OverRealm is practically suicide; as I said before, my duty is to ensure you survive; everything else comes after. Besides, even if I agreed to your request, I don't have the required energy to do so; last time, to protect you from Prince Elif, I used the System's reserve, not to mention sending you to the OverRealm and a Heavenly are two completely different things, the amount of Qi needed would be extraordinary." Added Gel as she looked at Comet while rubbing her face in frustration.

Although I did ask that of her, I had expected her to refuse my request; still, to learn that Celestial cultivators aren't anything special is very shocking, to say the least. Coming across a Divine cultivator in a Heavenly realm, while something I wouldn't say is common, isn't too difficult; however, in the four hundred years I was there, I've only met two celestial cultivators, granted nearly two hundred years were spent as a slave.

"Tch, it was worth a try, so then, I suppose now that there is nothing for me to do here, I should return to the Heavenly realm; at least there, I can cultivate, and speaking of cultivating. Those past several days have given a few insights that I can apply to my cultivation; I'd say give me two years at max, and I'll become an early Divine Lord." Remarked Comet with a smile as he looked at the sky while clenching his fist.

"Well then, if you wish to return to the Heavenly realm, just stop suppressing your cultivation, and I'll do the rest; I can't have you ending up in a different Heavenly realm." Commented Gel as she sat atop Comet's head.

'Just wait, Elif; you'll be seeing me real soon!' Thought Comet with a vicious expression as he released his true cultivation base, causing a giant hurricane to form above where he was standing.

While Comet and Elif were currently experiencing their own adventure, a little Princess was also experiencing something, yet, unlike the other two, instead of it being an adventure, it was an emotion, a very strong one at that.

"Are you feeling better today, your Highness?" Asked Maxim hesitantly with a slight bow as he followed behind a quiet Elaine.

Although I heard Maxim, I ignored him; for the past couple of days, I've been in a horrible mood, and though I don't know precisely why, I know it has to do with Brother.

"I'll take that as a no." Muttered Maxim quietly after Elaine didn't respond.

"Stay outside." Ordered Elaine in a monotone voice as she entered her room before slamming the door behind her, causing Maxim to sigh while silently standing beside the door.

Once I had finally returned to the palace after having recently completed a contract from the Elven guild, the first thing I did was head to my room, and now that I was here, I could finally unleash the anger I'd kept bottled up for the past few days.

In an unbridled rage, I began destroying everything in my room to vent my wrath, and by the time I had finished, my usual pristine room now looked like a battle had just taken place there. Nothing was spared from my rampage, not my bed, paintings, or even the statue of me Brother had carved for my fourth birthday; everything was destroyed except for a small picture of Brother and I.

"Hehe, Brother, what are you doing? What are you doing to cause me such anger!?" Exclaimed Elaine with a crazy expression as she affectionately held the small picture of a young Elif tenderly holding her baby self.

"It was a woman, wasn't it, Brother?" Added Elaine with a soft smile while gently rubbing her hand atop the young Elif; if it weren't for the insanity her eyes exuded, it would've looked very lovely.

Looking at Elif, I gently set the picture atop the window sill as I laughed while imagining the things I'd do once I got my hands on the woman who dared to approach MY Brother.

"Hehehe, it seems like I must quickly deal with this woman when given a chance; I can't let any woman, other than ME, get near Brother." Declared Elaine while getting lost in her own insanity for some time.

Once I finally managed to contain myself, I spent a reasonable amount of time attempting to regain my composure since, as the Crown Princess, I couldn't allow anyone to see this side of me, and definitely not Brother. When I was finally calm and collected, I exited the room and decided to visit Mother and Father, but first, I needed someone to clean my room.

"You there." Said Elaine as she approached a head maid in the distance.

"Y-Yes P-Princess Elaine? How can I be of service?" Asked the Headmaid respectfully with a bow, though if you paid close attention, you could sense the fear in her voice.

"My room is currently a little messy." Replied Elaine; although she was very brief, it was more than enough for the Head maid to come to a conclusion.

"I-I understand, Princess Elaine; I'll have a few maids get on that immediately. If that is all, I shall leave to not take up any more of your time." Stated the Head maid with another bow as she attempted to quickly distance herself from Elaine, though Elaine didn't allow her freedom so easily.

"Also, there is a picture of Brother and I on my window-sill; no one is allowed to touch it. If I find out it was moved, I'll have you all sentenced to life in the depths of the Royal dungeon." Declared Elaine with a light smile while grabbing onto the Head maid's clothes, preventing her from leaving.

"I-I u-understand, P-Princess E-Elaine. I-I'll make sure n-no one t-touches it!" Said the Head maid nervously while bowing before Elaine.

"Good, and I want everything done within an hour." Added Elaine with a nod as she released the headmaid and continued walking while Maxim silently followed from behind.


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