𝕄𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝔹𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝔻𝕚𝕤𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣🥀

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"I'd rather you speak the truth than save me from the worry." You slowly stepped closer, approaching him.

"It doesn't concern you." His reply was cold, almost distant. However, you were determined to get a proper answer, so you just stood there in the tense atmosphere. He took a deep breath, groaned, and begrudgingly spoke. "I'm going to be real with you, Y/n. I don't even know why I agreed to the duel, maybe it was just a spur of the moment type of thing but now... Ugh. I just realized how stupid it actually was and I'll never have a chance. I know I'm not the best mage out there! But...now I don't even know if I'm capable of being a mage at all. I don't even feel like I belong here!" The male crossed his arms and hung his head low. "Not like you'd understand, since you always act like a goody-two-shoes."

You sighed and closed the distance between the both of you, now standing in front of him. "Ace, I understand what it feels like to seem unwelcome to a place where you thought you belonged..." You took on a much more assuring and empathetic tone. His shoulders evidently stiffened. It appears you've hit a sensitive topic.

He let out a low laugh and forced a wry smile. It possessed no hint of genuinity whatsoever. "What, seriously? I bet you're just gonna try and use this against me, or you'll want something from me after, isn't that right?" He clenched his fists at the assumption of you taking advantage of his pathetic and vulnerable state. He was more agitated at the fact that he even allowed you to witness him in such a state.

You hit the top of his head with your fist. It was enough to make him snap out of his self-loathing, looking at you with a baffled expression. You spoke before he could say anything. "Believe it or not, back in the world where I came from, almost none of my own people knew me nor the sacrifices I've made. I know what rejection is, and I am aware of feelings such as fear and woe." At your statement, the ginger's mouth was slightly agape.

You slowly reached out your hand towards his face. At first, he attempted to recoil, before giving in and sighing in defeat. Placing a hand on his cheek, you gently lifted up his head. You noticed his rather dull expression and furrowed brows, not quite directed to you, but rather to himself. "I promise that we shall bring you back to your dorm and you will be accepted back. I shall bring justice upon you, Ace Trappola. You have my word." You reassured him with a soft smile. His eyes widened for a few moments, until he suddenly wrapped his arms around you. His head toppled down on your shoulder. He bit his lip in an attempt to restrian the tears from leaking. You realized his fists were trembling, along with his shoulders.

You recently learned that in this situation, one should provide comfort and perhaps a hug, so you did. You gently wrapped your arms around him and rubbed circles around his back in a soothing manner. "Allow me to tell you the words I wish I could have told myself sooner: "I'm here. You're not alone." And I'm certain you'll become a decent mage someday. I look forward to your future endeavors." Due to your kind gesture and words, the things he desperately needed to hear and feel- He could no longer hold back the tears from pouring. He tightly gripped on the back of your shirt, buried his face deeper into your shoulder and released muffled sobs. He simply melted in your embrace as you continued to gently rub his back, allowing him to cry in your arms.

He didn't hope to pull away anytime sooner, being content in your embrace. Although he also didn't want to seem overly needy or dependent. So, after a while, he slowly pulled back but did not fully let go yet. "You know, I thought I was kind of a jerk, sometimes taking my pranks too far or saying stuff I don't exactly mean just for the fun of it... That used to be a thought, now I'm sure. Because compared to you..." Ace admitted. He sniffled and blushed in embarrassment at his own actions. "I believe you're one of the best people out there... Do-don't get used to receiving compliments from me though." He sheepishly said. However, his adoring gaze never left your face.

✩JUSTICE in TWISTED✩  {TWST x Genshin Fem! Reader}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant