𝟒. 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐬

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The rays of sunlight filtered through the small, dirty windows of the cramped room, illuminating Jimin's tired face. He sat on the hard ground with his back resting against the wooden pillar it wasn't the best position to sleep in but not like Jimin had other options or luxury to enjoy, his body sore and muscles aching from another sleepless night, as he slowly stretched his limbs, as he think about last night he shakes his head at the thoughts he had and how stupid he sound when he's mad at something

While he stared at the wildflowers that brewed out of the window he wanted to touch them but his restraints were too short to let him fulfill his wish so he just watched them from afar, they looked like a hope of life in this wild darkness

Lost in his thoughts, Jimin barely noticed the creaking of the door as it slowly swung open. Startled, his gaze snapped towards the entrance, where a towering figure loomed. Clutched in the man's hands was the same canned food Jimin had consumed yesterday, the sight alone sent a shiver down Jimin's spine, how he made sure to observe his every move just to be better next time, it was scary but oddly touching at the same time

his gaze shifted from the can to the man's face, Jimin's heart skipped a beat, something was different-The monstrous man's features, once marred by dirt and grime, now appeared cleaner, although it was a slight change yet it was still visible to Jimin's forest eyes. His skin seemed scrubbed, revealing a golden complexion that Jimin had not seen before

it was as if a veil of unrevealed softness had been delicately unveiled when Jimin's eyes further examined the man he noticed that his long, tangled hair was no longer obscuring his face like he was a ghost coming straight out of his grave, Jimin had often taken a note of how his hair strands fell haphazardly, casting shadows over the man's eyes and hiding his emotions, a cover that hides the remaining humanity in him, but now, the hair was tucked behind his ears, allowing his gaze to roam free and unencumbered. It was a minuscule change, yet significant enough to captivate Jimin's attention.

Jimin's gaze remained frozen, staring at the man with a mixture of surprise and confusion. Sensing Jimin's intense scrutiny, the man shifted uncomfortably, a flicker of unease crossing his eyes. However, he chose to ignore Jimin's unwavering stare, although the hesitancy in his movements betrayed an underlying shyness.

he tugged his hair behind his ear his movement copying exactly how he had observed Jimin and the blond too noticed that, his lower lip was slightly stuck between his teeth as the man placed the can of food before Jimin, his actions were cautious and reserved, the silent exchange between them crackled with unspoken words, the air heavy with unvoiced emotions. Jimin's mind raced, attempting to decipher the meaning behind the subtle changes in the man's appearance and demeanor.

It wasn't just the physical alterations that gripped Jimin's attention, but also the uncharacteristic nature of the man's emotions, his face always had been stoic and blank not really showing what was going inside of him but right now his face was showing the battle he was fighting in him, and even to Jimin who was never good at reading those thine lines was bold enough to understand it as if the man was silently revealing a side of himself that he had kept concealed for far too long or didn't recognize it

As Jimin's steadfast gaze lingered, he realized that a complex web of emotions lay hidden beneath the surface of this towering, seemingly intimidating figure, the man's previous enigmatic persona had momentarily dissolved, unveiling an unexpected fragility and to Jimin's eyes, he looked almost humanly

Jimin couldn't stop the words from slipping through the gates of his mouth "You look... change" 

Jimin blinked his eyes once and then twice as though he was rubbing them to make sure he wasn't hallucination it all and in his response, the man only blinked his wide eyes like he was caught in a secret crime as though his change wasn't the spark of light in the darkness that could be noticed by a blind person still he didn't lose his hold on the sheet of pretend to cover his truth behind the covers while Jimin was too lost in the darkness of his eyes to look for the light like his eyes found the best view to look at

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