𝟏. 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞

905 68 82

In the heart of the night, on a desolate road enveloped by eerie darkness, a speeding car sliced through the silence with chaos, In side this vessel of youthful rebellion, three wild teenagers were engulfed by their own world of reckless liberation, the rhythmic beats of loud music echoed through the confined space, amplifying their excitement, the lyrics spilled out of their mouths, punctuated by jubilant screams, as they clinked their drinks together, toasting their invisible victory.

But amidst this frenzy of youthful exuberance, an entirely different scene unfolded in the backseat, there, bound by cruel restraints, sat Jimin, a tragic symbol of captivity amidst freedom, his hands were so tightly tied that it was leaving a scarlet trace on his pale frail wrists, rendering him unable to fend for himself, a coarse fabric imprisoned his voice, leaving him silenced and unable to cry out for help

Jimin's bruised face bore witness to the cruel violence he had endured, his eyes reflecting desperation and fear, the remnants of his torment painted a worrisome picture, highlighting the evident suffering he had borne within the clutches of ruthless captors.

Outside the car's windows, the moonlight barely penetrated the dense canopy of towering trees that possessed the lonely road, shadows cast by the moon danced eerily, heightening the sense of isolation and foreboding, the dark forest seemed trepidation, almost as if it held unfathomable secrets within its hushed whispers

Meanwhile, the car's occupants continued their oblivious revelry, blissfully ignorant of the anguish that Jimin silently endured, the echoes of their laughter reverberated through the car, vibrating against the tight bindings that held Jimin captive, they danced to the rhythm of their freedom while he sat, a tragic bystander, caught in a nightmare he could not wake up from.

As the car traversed the winding road, the stark contrast between the hijinks of the teenagers and Jimin's restrained existence became even more apparent. With each mile traveled, the weight of Jimin's captivity grew heavier, the invisible chains around him tightening their grip. His heart, once brimming with hope and dreams, now sank deeper into the abyss, suffocated by despair.

The contrast between freedom and imprisonment, celebration and anguish, grew starker by the second – a tragic testament to the injustice that swirled within the realm of the unknown as they continued their reckless journey further away from the city, blinded by teenage curiosity and exuberance, they failed to grasp the gravity of their situation, ignorant of the dangers lurking in the darkness, they were carelessly venturing towards the unknown.

The two friends that were seated beside the tied-up boy, Alex and Ryan, argued vehemently in the backseat of the car about their favorite soccer player as though their life was laid in the arms of their idols, their loud drunk voices reverberated through the vehicle, filled with youthful arrogance and a lack of forethought and in-between their battle was seated Jimin holding his head low trying to think of anything but the state he was in, the trap he was caught in.

They were too immersed in their own petty feud, oblivious to the encroaching danger that lay ahead, in the driver's seat sat Joe his one hand clenched around the steering wheel while the other quenched down the can of beer filling his system with more toxin liquid. The two friends' argument paused by the car which was finally resting from its high speed stopping in the middle of the dark street surrounded by the tall shadows of the forest trees they looked at the front trying to make up the scenery behind the car's front glass as Joe speaks who was the most sober among the three of them

"Plot twist guys there are two ways leading to somewhere that I don't have a fucking clue but which one do you think will be the correct route?"

He asked forgetting under the influence that the road of their destination never comes from the forest and whichever route they pick isn't going to guide them towards their destination place

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