"What about the cameras?" The woman asked again.

"They've been off for a week now. They just need to be repaired, and the guy who repairs them is on vacation. They didn't want to hire anyone else," Alex interjected.

"It just doesn't make sense," The woman shook her head, covering her face with her hands. "Do you have any other leads?"

"You won't believe it, but that's it. There's nothing that would give our case a boost."

Megan sat down on the chair where Howard had been sleeping a few minutes earlier. "So are we at a dead end again?"

"It turns out so." Anderson replied, folding his arms at his sides.

"I'm going to call Whitney, she's worried." The woman got up from her chair and before going out into the hallway said, "Alex, get some strong coffee." Alex nodded his head in agreement.

Megan walked out of the building and, ignoring the light rain, stood by the front door, dialing Whitney on her smartphone. While the long rings went on, Megan looked at the people passing by. She didn't know what their stories were, where they were going, or what their thoughts were. But she knew for sure that when they watched the news about Stella's murder, they simply shook their heads to say they were sorry, and then they changed the channel to something more interesting and went on with their lives as they had before the news. What did she expect, though? That someone would kneel down in front of her and sympathize with her? That will never happen. People don't care what happened in your life, because they have their own and that's the most important thing. And anyway, does Megan have the right to condemn such people if she is like that? Taking a pack of cigarettes from her jacket pocket, the woman smoked. Finally, at the end of the phone, she heard such a pleasant, native female voice.

"Hi, Megan. How's it going over there? Any news?"

"I didn't even get a chance to say a word before you started bombarding me with questions."

"I'm sorry, I'm just so worried."

"It's okay. I can tell you're in the mood..." Megan blew smoke from her cigarette.

"I'm feeling a little better, but I still feel a little.... uncomfortable."

"I see... By the way, Stella's been examined here... so if you want... we can do the funeral tomorrow."

"Thanks for letting me know.... I guess we can do that... Come by tomorrow with Alex at 11:00."

"Okay.... You can pick her up today..."

"We'll be right there... Did you find out anything?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow."

"Okay. See you then." Whitney hung up the phone. The conversation may have been dry, but it was incredibly difficult for both sisters. Afterward, Megan had a lump in her throat for a long time. She pushed herself over the edge and stubbed out her cigarette butt against the wall of the building, threw it on the ground, and reentered the dark corridor. When she entered the bright room, she saw the men already drinking coffee, and Alex was holding another, which he handed to Megan.

"I already talked to Whitney, the funeral is tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. She and Peter are coming to pick up the body," She said, savoring every drop of coffee.

"So can we go home now? You don't need us anymore?" He asked Anderson and Howard.

"No, you can go home. And you, Anderson, can go home too. I'll wait for the body to come and then I'll go home."

"Okay. We'll go then. Do you want a ride home?" Alex asked Anderson.

"That would be nice."

Alex, Anderson, and Megan left the building. It was still cloudy, cold, and muddy outside. Anderson immediately got into Alex's car so that his ass wouldn't freeze.

"I probably won't be going with you guys."

"Why? Is something wrong?"

"No, I just want to go for a walk."

"You picked a very nice time and weather to go for a walk," Alex said.

"I forgot my umbrella in your car." She took it from the car. "I want to take a short walk in the rain."

"Can I come with you?"

"I'm sorry, no. I want to be alone."

"I understand." He was about to walk away, but stopped and said, "So, should I wait for you at my place tonight?" Alex came closer and took Megan's hands.

"Of course." She smiled warmly. They continued to stand in the rain.

"Then I'll be waiting for you. Be careful, please..." Alex kissed Megan's forehead with care and watched her walk away and got into his black car.

Megan wanted to walk in the park where Stella had been killed. To feel everything that the girl felt...

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