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Alex's apartment was located in the city center. After parking the car, Megan went to the intercom and called the right number.

"Yes?" Alex answered.

"Megan is here to ask for your support."

"Huh," Alex laughed, "I'm opening it now."

The door opened and Megan went up to apartment 101. Alex opened it for her, dressed in a brown sweater and white pants.

"Hi. Come on in," Alex invited her.

The apartment was in 2 styles: soft and modern, with the latter being the predominant style. Megan walked into the living room, which was also offset from the kitchen, and was decorated in this way: the walls were white, and the flooring was dark brown. It went well with the dark kitchen. A large dark green L-shaped sofa added to the brightness of the room. Behind it was a gray kitchen table with black chairs.

"Would you like something to drink? Coffee or tea?" asked Alex and went into the kitchen.

"If you have something as strong as possible, I wouldn't mind."

"Would wine be okay?"

"It's perfect."

After opening a bottle of red wine and pouring it into two wine glasses, Alex sat down next to Megan and handed her one of the glasses.

"I'll go first. Let's start with Naomi, her psychologist." After telling Alex what Naomi had told her about Stella, Megan took a drink of her wine. "By the way, I found some interesting photos in her bag. I think they were planted by the man who broke in." Pulling two photos out of the back pocket of her jeans, she handed them to Alex.

"This is interesting."

"Look what's on the back," Megan said.

"Next?" He looked at the photos with interest. "We need to warn Peter to be careful and keep a close eye on Whitney. I don't believe this is just a scare, but even if it is, it's still a good idea to be careful. And we need to send someone to Naomi, she is also in direct danger of her life."

"I took her to a hotel."

"A hotel?!"

"Calm down, it's okay. It's next to the police station. Besides, I asked the hotel security to check on Naomi regularly."

"How long will she be there?"

"I think until we find the man. The way he's thought it out, we should find him in a month or less, if we work as fast as we did today."

"His schemes are pretty easy to figure out. What about Bella?"

"Oh, that girl's great. She was a very good friend to Stella." Megan recounted her conversation with Bella to Alex while sipping her wine.

"Wait, did you also say that his build was familiar to you?"

"I didn't see the gait, but I'm 100% sure I've seen that figure somewhere in the video of him burying the bodies. But I can't remember where.

"Don't you think it's strange that you've seen him before? Maybe you both have a small social circle?"

"I don't think so. Bella doesn't seem like the kind of withdrawn teenager who doesn't talk to anyone."

"Do you have that video?"

"Yes! And that's the most important thing because she got another video from Stella's smartphone this morning. Wait, she e-mailed it to me." Megan looked at her smartphone. "Here it is." She gave the phone to Alex with a video of a man digging a hole.

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