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November 20

Megan woke up to a screaming alarm clock. Raising her hand, she slapped it hard.

" Every morning I hear that annoying squeak..."

She turned her head toward it.

"Fucking Monday, when is it going to end?"

She got out of the squeaky bed, threw on a black robe and went to the kitchen. After yesterday's conflict with her husband, the whole house was upside down. She turned on the kettle and went to wash her face. Under the cool shower, the painful bruises on her body were making themselves felt. After her morning routine, Megan put on her pressed suit.

"I need to buy a new one, this one is going to fall apart soon."

She had finished her coffee and turned to the sink to put the cup down, but saw a pile of dirty dishes, so she didn't hesitate to put the dirty cup on the table.

"If I get off work early, I'll clean up this mess and make the house look livable if that bastard doesn't come back."

Picking up the phone, Megan saw the number for her friend, Detective Alex Blake.


"Good morning, Megan. Did I wake you?"

"No, I didn't." Megan answered with a less than friendly tone.

"What's the matter? Why are you in such a mood?"

"Never mind... Why are you calling?"

Of course, Alex was very concerned, as if he were his best friend, but he didn't ask because he didn't have time, there was something more important.

"Uh, they found a body... Abbott Park."

"Not far from where I live." Megan thought.

"Well... I don't want to talk about the specifics over the phone, so come on down."

"Sure... I'll be there soon..."

She hung up the phone. The horror...a maniac walking around her house. Maybe they even crossed paths. Of course, she was scared shitless, even though she was a detective. It's not every morning you find out you've probably seen a killer. Or you've said good morning to each other. The thought made Megan's hair stand on end.

Taking the keys to her Volkswagen Passat and locking the door once again to ensure her safety, Megan went outside and started the car. Before she stepped on the gas, she opened a new pack of Winston cigarettes and lit one.

Detective CrawfordWhere stories live. Discover now