★彡02|02 - "Your Highness, you should be in bed."彡★

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The night before the day Y/n intended to write to her friends in Auradon, there was a storm and Y/n was woken up by a particularly loud crack of thunder. Having been startled up once, she stared at her ceiling before sighing and turning onto her side, trying to fall back to sleep.

That's when she heard sniffling from the room besides her own. With furrowed brows, she remembered that Ewan was afraid of lighting.

Making up her mind, she pushed herself up from the bed, her white nightgown falling to her ankles as she exited her room and went into the hallway. She'd taken a few steps when she heard Agatha's voice from behind her.

"Your Highness, you should be in bed."

Y/n turned with a smile to the elderly lady. "I just heard Ewan, that's all."

"I can take care of your brother," Agatha said. "You should sleep."

"No, you should sleep, Agatha," the girl countered. "You'll have much more to do tomorrow than I will."

"Your Highness—"

"I'll take care of Ewan," Y/n cut in, feeling the need to be there for her brother. She bit the inside of her cheek in hesitation. I don't really like saying this, but... "It's an order."

"You're just like your mother..." Agatha sighed, shaking her head fondly. "Have a good night, Your Highness."

Y/n smiled softly. "Good night."

Agatha had been with the family for as long as Y/n remembered, and because she was a few decades older than the girl's mother, she'd been around the woman, too, when she'd been about Y/n's age.

Slowly, Y/n pushed Ewan's door open. She could see him curl up further at the sudden creak of the door, his hands clapped over his ears when the sky lit up with lighting again.

"Ewan, hey," Y/n started quietly, squatting in front of his bed. "It's alright."

Ewan opened his blue eyes that were glossed over with tears and looked at the girl as he sniffled. "I miss mama..."


"I miss mama," he repeated, looking out of the window when he stopped speaking. "I'm scared..."

Y/n sighed, trying not to smile at the situation. She'd always loved those genuine moments between them but she couldn't let Ewan get the impression that she was laughing at him. Thus, the girl sat onto the edge of his bed and pulled him onto her lap. "Don't be scared, mama's alright," Y/n assured, doing her best to believe it, also. "How about I sing to you, hm?"

Ewan looked up at me. "Sing the song mama sings?"

The boy's sister nodded with a smile, starting to hum the tune that she'd grown up listening to every night. Before the song ended, Ewan was asleep in her arms.

She softly lowered him to the mattress, drawing a blanket over him before standing up and looking out of his window, where raindrops were racing. She hadn't noticed thunder in a while and the rain seemed to be giving out, too.

Satisfied, Y/n went back to her room and slept soundly. So soundly, in fact, that she slept in. Agatha had to go and wake her up, after which she quickly dressed and wolfed down her breakfast (which she, of course, thanked Agatha for) before heading to the writing room. Thomas wanted to leave soon and Y/n had to get her letter written for him to be able to do that. Thus, she started writing.

Hi, guys!

It's been a week and two days since I wrote to you. I can't say I miss you any less, though, for this letter arriving to you signifies almost a month of my absence. And I do miss you guys, I miss you every minute of every day.

For that sole reason, I've kept myself busy. I've grown better at handling weapons, which, while not too lady-like, brings me comfort, for I'll be able to protect my loved ones if it came down to it. Why I'm mentioning that is because I have seen my mother but two times since I left Auradon and it worries me. But don't you worry because of that, I'm alright still.

However, I fear that the fact that my mother has not yet returned means that I won't be back with you guys quite as soon as I hoped.

On a different note, was there a thunderstorm in Auradon, too? It passed us last night but brought no damage as far as I know. If it so happens that it came from the south and passed over you guys, too, I do hope it didn't disturb anyone too much (specifically thinking of Dude here).

So how are you guys doing? I hope you're well, I really do. So, until I get a letter from you guys (which I'll most definitely be waiting for), don't forget about me.

- Y/n, your friend

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