★彡01|25 - "Who's the biggest jerk in the land?"彡★

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The next morning, Lonnie was trying to drag Y/n out of bed. "Come on! I want you to meet my mom!"

Y/n groaned, turning away from her roommate. "I'll come later, Lonnie," she grumbled. "You go ahead and have fun, I'll take my time."

Lonnie hummed, a bit suspicious, but eventually gave in. "Alright. But remember that my parents have to leave by lunch and I want them to be able to meet my roommate before they do, okay?"

"Okay, okay," the other girl sighed, pushing herself to her elbows. "See, I'm already moving..."

"Great! Well, Family Day officially starts in ten so I'll be going now!"

"Yeah, yeah," Y/n sighed, waiting for the other girl to leave the room before she collapsed back onto her bed. In truth, she was exhausted. Both emotionally and physically. She'd been up the previous night rethinking her choices and, well, she hadn't come to a conclusion at all. And she might've been putting off facing the Isle kids, as well, which was why she didn't want to go out of her room at all.

But eventually, she had to, and dragged herself out of bed. She got dressed, making sure she was comfortable and that her outfit was fitting for the temperature outside before leaving the room. After some consideration, Y/n decided to skip breakfast and head straight for the snack tables at the event.

She arrived at the courtyard scene at half past ten, when the event had already been going for half an hour and everyone had already settled into conversations. For a moment, she observed the outfits all around her, slightly self-conscious now that she realized how differently styled the North's clothes were in comparison to the clothes of Auradon, for in Auradon the main focus seemed to be being pretty and puffy and colorful whereas the North's clothes were more focused on being suited for movement and blending in with the nature.

Y/n sighed, adjusting her clothes as she made her way through the crowd. At least I left my bow back in the room...

"Oh, Y/n!" a cheery voice piped up from the left of her.

"Hi, Lonnie," Y/n greeted, taking note that her roommate had been absorbed by the Auradon-fashion instead of sticking to her roots. But, she supposed, she couldn't blame Lonnie, for she'd been there for longer than her.

"I want you to meet my parents, come on!" The girl didn't wait for an answer, instead grabbing onto Y/n's hand and pulling her along until they came to a stop in front of a couple, engrossed in conversation with each other. It seemed that they, too, had been influenced by Auradon fashion but not as much as their daughter.

"Mom, dad," Lonnie interrupted them. "This is my roommate, Y/n. Y/n, these are my parents — Mulan and Shang."

Y/n nodded respectfully with a polite smile to show her respect. "It's nice to meet you."

"Oh, you're Merida's daughter, aren't you?" Mulan gushed as Shang mirrored the girl's nod. "You have the same fire in your eyes."

"Yes, thank you," Y/n smiled, then looked around uncomfortably as she had nothing else to say. "Well, I—"

"Yes, you two should go have fun," Mulan agreed, waving the two kids off.

"We'll find you before we leave, Lonnie," Shang added, his daughter nodding before dragging Y/n away again.

They stopped, Lonnie turning to Y/n with an excited smile. "Aren't they just the coolest?"

Before Y/n could answer, everything around her stopped, or rather, seemed to move faster, only slowing for a few soundless scenes.

Audrey with a woman who looked a lot like her, Mal standing in front of the two.

Chad coming up behind Audrey and the woman along with Fairy Godmother.

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