Chapter 2 The Visit Of The Burning Forest

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On the other hand, the woman was doing her best to remain silent and avoid drawing attention to herself. She remained calm, waiting for her beating heart to return to its normal rhythm.

After what felt like a long time, she slowly veered her head around to the left, peering through the edge of the large bookshelf the woman was hiding in to the entrance of the bookstore where she last saw the two masked men. When her hand accidentally knocked down a book, she silently cursed to herself.

The woman cursed once more before quickly pulling the book back to hide from the two men's gaze. 

Just as she thought she was safe, the woman was taken aback when she heard someone speak.

"Why hello there, young missy," Dane said, introducing himself.

The woman stood up and bolted for the door, only to find the second man standing there, blocking her only way out.

"Uh uh uh." "There is nowhere for you to run," said the man, smirking.

"What exactly do you want?" I will give you money, but please do not hurt me," pleaded the woman as she tried to avoid the two men who were getting closer to her with each step.

"Hurt you... Oh, no. We aren't going to hurt you. We are going to end you! Besides, I do not think anyone would mind if a beautiful woman like you died. Ain't that right, Jack," Dane said to his partner.

"You got that right," Jack remarked casually.

The woman, realizing she could not plead her way out of her current situation, attempted to flee past Jack but was apprehended by the larger man, who simply threw her to the ground.

"No one will hear you scream, lady, and they will not come to save you. "For today is the day you die," Dane declared as he drew his pistol and pointed it at the fallen woman.

Jack, who was smiling with a malevolent expression on his face, was enjoying the desperate woman begging for her life, but as he was basking in the moment, he noticed a man in the mirror across from him, and a very tall one at that.

"Dane Loo-"

Jack could not finish his sentence when the newcomer dashed forward at a rate neither he nor Dane could comprehend. As he fell flat on his back, all Jack could feel was the impulsive darkness that surrounded him.

"Stay there! Or she will lose her head!" Dane ordered as he held the woman at gunpoint.

"You should stop this," Leo simply replied.

"Oh, and why in the hell should I listen to you?" Dane said dejectedly, continuing to pull his victim backward.

"Because the police are already inside the building, so is the swat team. And I doubt you and your friend here would make it that far, especially with multiple cops surrounding the mall from all sides," Leo said indifferently, successfully distracting the man.

"No, that is not true. There are others of us who keep all entrances locked. So cops, swats, or whoever the hell it is out there am not getting in," Dane told the man, who was unnerved by what he was saying.

"Yes, all but one. And the many ceiling doors that you and your friends had forgotten about... "So, last chance, drop the weapon, and you might live to see tomorrow," Leo said decisively but less seriously.

Dane refused to give up, continuing to speak out despite the fact that he knew the Spartan was completely correct in his statement, as he was not telling any lies. That did not, however, mean he would allow himself to be placed in a cell again.

Leo, on the other hand, saw the woman's expressions as she struggled to free herself from her captor's grasp. But the moment she and Leo's eyes met one another, the spartan demonstrated a slight stomp with his right foot.

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