Chapter 2 The Visit Of The Burning Forest

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Authors Note:

Hello readers, I apologized for not posting for the earlier days. I understood that y'all were patiently awaiting a second chapter, the reason why was that I was busy with my daily life, this caused me to not be able to write down a following chapter.

But hey, here it is, the second chapter.

If you'd imagined, it took me quite a while to write down countless words in this page. At first it was long, but eventually I mange to have write down nearly thirteen thousand and three hundred fifty six words.

Hope this is worth it.

Note to self the story will also include both the wolf pack Tv series and the book novel. If you want to know about the books, I'm happy to tell you.

The actual owner or creator of the book series is made by (Edo van Belkom)

Give it a try.

Also, secondly I also like to add that the Michael Bjorn Novel series will have a mix together with the wolfpack books and the tv show.

As for Halo Vahrian I am going to start writing it tomorrow. Don't mind for it will have more then four thousand words. So it'll take quite a while for me to finish chapter seventeen of (Halo Vahrian)

•••Enjoy Halo Earths Guardian•••

The inside of the mall was empty because most of the customers had left, while a few others were being held hostage in another area.

On the north side of the mall, one of the goons was dragging a woman by her hair as she tried to resist the larger man. She eventually manages to break free by elbowing him in the ribs.

The masked goon lurched forward with his back arches after his victim punched him right where the crown jewel was located.

When the man released his grip on her, she fled to distance herself from him, not wanting to be touched by his hands again.

"You will pay for it, you hear me!" The man yelled out, clearly in pain.

"Dane! There you are! Where were you, dude? You were supposed to meet us just a minute ago," says one of the masked men who had just arrived by the time the woman turned to face the other direction.

"What do you think, man?" I was doing a sweep around my side of the mall when I came across a woman hiding. I tried dragging her to the other door to use her as a shield, but the damn woman hit me in the weak spot!" Dane responded, doing his best to walk straight.

"Well, why don't we both go find her. Because I am sure the boss would not like it if we let someone go," the other man suggested, knowing the consequences he and Dane might face.

"Yeah, if we make it out of here without the cops on our tails," replied Dane, who was already unsure of their escape strategy.

As they continued to walk, they were both unaware of the large silhouette fifty yards away, which was slowly creeping up behind them.

It was not long after when they turned to the same corner the woman had taken and proceeded forth. They walked a few more steps until they came across a small bookstore with its entrance door open. It was pretty clear to the two men that their prey was hiding in the bookstore.

"Wait," one of the men named Dane said, stopping his partner.

"What is it?" His colleague inquired.

"Stay silent. Dane suggested, "Let us make her think we left," as he quietly told his friend the plan.

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