Lucifer went and takes the guitar towards Lavinia. Lavinia stroked the glass as if amazed it and made blabbered in her language.

Lucifer smiled proudly that his niece loved his gift after all he himself designed it. He kissed her on her cheek and took her from his sister.

She was looking at the glass of the guitar with amazed eyes, then turned towards lucifer and looked at him more like staring at him.

She was looking at the glass of the guitar with amazed eyes, then turned towards lucifer and looked at him more like staring at him

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He moved her close to his face, she smiled and tried to eat his nose. He chuckled and looked amazed at her. He tickled her and her soft laughter filled the room. He too giggled at her.

Everyone was shocked seeing lucifer laughing. They had never never seen him laughing. Just smirking as his smiles are reserved only for Isabella, Alessia. And loop sided grin to children nothing more than this.

After sometime they were successful on separating her with glass guitar and went to dinning table as they all were hungry after today's events.

Lucifer made lavinia sat on her baby seat in between of Alessandro and Lucifer. As lucifer denied to let her go and Alessandro's well Alessandro. He always wants to be near his daughter.

God this man is stubborn.

They all were eating while gossiping and discussing what the doctor had said.

Enrico:- I don't want any mistakes regarding Lavinia's matter. You all will be very attentive of each thing no matter if it's small or big. We have to be very precautious with her. No exhausting her or troubling her. And boys-

He turned towards the childrens who all were playing with her by making weird faces at her. They all turned towards at the mention of them.

- if you all notice even a little change in her condition, I want you to immediately inform the elders,ok?

They all nodded seriously at him. Even little Alex , Asher and Octavius. They chuckled at their cute behaviour which made them blush.

Then they all noticed Lavinia curiously looking at glass utensils with big wide eyes. She made gabby hands at them.

Alessandro smiled and put one spoon near her , she tried to reach it but how far a week old child can even reach, she was just wiggling in her seat and blabbering god knows what.

Aziel:- I guess she likes glassy things.

They all nodded observing it too. Then Isabella noticed her husband's face knowing something is cooking up in his brain. She kicked his leg under the table to get his attention. He jerked towards her and raised his perfectly shaped brows.

She shakes her head as if telling him to drop whatever he was planning. He just smirked at her and blew a kiss at her. She blushed at her shameful husband who seemed to forgotten that they are at dinning room not their room.

Unfortunately Alex noticed what his father was doing and


A cupcake landed on Alessandro's face. Little Alex wanted to throw some other things but that will lead to his banishment so he settled with cupcake .

They all stopped whatever they were doing and watched the drama unfolding. Marcello and lucifer  gone to extra length, they ordered popcorns and relaxed on their seats as if they were in theatre and some interesting movie was going on.

Enrico:- ales what's this behaviour child.

Alex:- gran-pa , papa kiswed mumma.

Lucifer, Damien and Marcello gasped. They turned towards alessandro with rage. If it was in their hand, Alessandro would be long gone.

Alessandro:- what?? Why are you all staring at me like that?? She's my lawfully wedded wife!! I can do whatever I want with her. And you little devil don't you dare come in between. I can kiss, cuddle, hug, fu-

Smack smack smack!!

A whole plate of cupcakes landed on Alessandro, who was looking like some cartoon character currently. They all unable to control , burst into laughter.

And our poor Alessandro was looking at his wife in disbelief, who in turn glared at him.

She thought the audacity of this man.

She smirked at him and leaned over towards him. Then wiped a little cream from his cheeks and near it to her mouth as if going to eat it but at last minute she wiped it on tissue paper and throwed some more tissue paper at alessandro who was gaping at his wife's antics.

Watching these two , the whole family was on ground shaking with laughter . Lavinia was staring at her family laughing like maniacs and she joined them not knowing what's happening.

Then enrico told them it's enough and to quietly finish the lunch. He told the ladies to take the children with them as they had to do some urgent work which requires their attention.

Ladies nodded when they realized what urgent matter he might be talking about. While the men smirks at each other and like all time children remain confused except the older one. Who silently asked if they can join but gotten denied by their fathers.


Hey guys , sorry for late update , I was busy somewhere. So how's the chapter? Is it good?

And one more important things , do I add violence or not in the next chapter?

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