Lost Trailblazers

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"Splash Two! Splash Two!" exclaimed the pilot as his missile hit the Siren aircraft, sending it crashing to the ground. The pilot watched as the alien aircraft plummeted, his thoughts briefly lingering on the fate of the pilot inside. It was a brutal battle against the enigmatic Sirens, and victory had come at a cost.

"Mission accomplished, people. Trailblazers aircrafts, return to carrier," Mason radioed to his squadron.

After thirty minutes of intense combat, the human air force had managed to gain the upper hand despite being technologically inferior to the Sirens. The four F/A-18E Super Hornets regrouped and flew in formation toward their base. Mason's mind wandered as he listened to his fellow pilots on the radio.

"Finally, still coming home in one piece, huh?" one pilot sighed in relief.

"Many of us are really struggling against them... we don't even know who will be the next casualty," added another pilot.

Mason remained silent, his gaze fixed on the endless blue sky with only a few scattered clouds. The sky had always been his solace, a familiar companion in times of turmoil. Soon, another Hornet pulled up beside him, and the pilot initiated communication.

"Just like the usual Blazer One," the pilot remarked, glancing at Mason's cockpit. "You're always quiet and looking at the sky."

Mason finally spoke, his voice cold and emotionless. "So that's your another way of saying 'hello, Witch." He responded to his closest friend, Evely or called ''Witch''

The comment elicited laughter from the other pilots. They teased him about his newfound willingness to engage in conversation.

"Hey, the wolf is talking boys." one pilot exclaimed. ''Is there anyone record this?''

Mason's response was as icy as ever. "Shut your bloody f*cking mouth, Morgan."

Lieutenant Colonel Mason "Wolf" O'Neil, the squadron leader of VFA-303 The Trailblazers, had earned a reputation as a skilled and ruthless aviator. His promotion to squadron leader had coincided with the Sirens' incursion into the Atlantic and their confrontation with Task Force Nimitz, the carrier on which he was based.

 His promotion to squadron leader had coincided with the Sirens' incursion into the Atlantic and their confrontation with Task Force Nimitz, the carrier on which he was based

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Nimitz Strike Carrier Group

His cold and stoic demeanor had become his trademark, earning him the nickname "Silent Wolf" among his comrades. He was known for his stealthy and lethal approach to combat, often catching enemies off guard and providing crucial support to friendly units without ever confirming his presence. He was also the first Ace in the Siren conflict for successfully shooting down around 25 Siren aircraft in the early days of the Siren conflict.

Five minutes later, as the Hornets continued their flight toward the USS Nimitz, Mason's reached for the radio. "This is Blazer One to USS Nimitz. We'll be arriving in five minutes. Please confirm your position."

TRAILBLAZERS : Aces from another world ( Azur Lane fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now