Chapter 4: Packing Up

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[] = texting

() = calling


Midoriya's POV

I woke up, it was 9 o' clock. Class started an hour ago, but Mr. Aizawa excused me from all the classes this week. I slowly got up and checked my phone. I saw multiple text messages. One was from my dad, some were from a new group chat. It consisted of me, Kaminari, Shinso, Ojiro, Tokoyami, Koda, and Shoji.

Concerned Friends:

Kaminari: [Hey Midobro you awake?]

Shinso: [What is this group chat?]

Koda: [I'm guessing it's so we can talk to Midoriya.]

Kaminari: [Yes]

Ojiro: [I'll see you in class. I'm going to campus with Hagakure. She's dragging me btw.]

Tokoyami: [Just don't spam, but Midoriya let us know when you're awake]

I giggled at their messages. It was actually nice to know that there we people in class that cared about me. I responded to them. I knew they weren't going to see my messages until later, but I felt like responding so they weren't spamming after classes.

Me: [I'm awake. Mr. Aizawa excused me from classes this week. Just ask him why Shinso. Thanks Kami for the food last night.]

I then looked at dad's message.

Dad: [Call me when you're awake.]

I called him.

Me: (Hello)

Hisashi: (Hello son. Aren't you supposed to be in class?)

Me: (Yeah, but Mr. Aizawa excused me from classes this week to let me pack.)

Hisashi: (Okay. Speaking of which, when do you want me to pick you up?)

Me: (This Friday, at 8 am.)

Hisashi: (Sure. Also, you'll be going to the Number one hero school in America, if you want.)

Me: (Sure. I'd love that!)

Hisashi: (Bye son.)

Me: (Bye dad.)

We ended the phone call then I looked at my dorm room. I felt sick. Seeing how much all might merchandise I had, I decided to donate them. I couldn't care less about it anymore. I also couldn't care less about most of the school anymore too. All I knew was that, Mr. Aizawa, Nezu, Shinso, Kaminari, Ojiro, Shoji, Koda, and Tokoyami were the people I could trust. I was still iffy about Recovery Girl.

Just as I was about to start packing, I felt my stomach grumble. I just realized how long I haven't eaten a full meal. So I went down to the common area. It was 9:30 am right now and Second Period would be starting soon. I opened the fridge in the kitchen. I saw there was orange juice, fruits, yogurt, and other foods. I grabbed butter. I went over the counter and grabbed a slice of bread and put it in the toaster. Then I went over to cupboards and grabbed a plate. As I placed it down the bread pooped up. I grabbed it and put it on the plate. I grabbed a butter knife from the drying rack and spread the butter on the toast. Then I ate my breakfast. 

After 5 minutes I finished breakfast and washed my dishes. I then went back to my dorm to finish packing up what ever things I didn't need before Friday. This included my Hero notebooks, some clothes, and other essentials. Today was Wednesday, and Heroics would be the last class of the day. So, I knew that my classmates were possibly not going to have that class since Nezu and Aizawa wanted to have a talk with All Might.

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