Us vs Them

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I want to scream at all the people who can't hear our voices.
You want to drown us.
You want to devour us.
We have come to fight and make our voices heard.
The law should not have rights over our bodies. The law should not have the right to tell us who can and can't be.
Our existence doesn't hurt you but you continuously hurt us.
Why does someone existence who doesn't affect matter so much that you would want to destroy us and our happiness.
We are not a disease or an illness.
You treat us like we are the plague.
You fain that it is because of your faith and religion that everyone is made perfect.
But that's all a cover for the deep hatred of people who aren't like you.
There is a demanded image of normal and anything outside that is considered a freak.
We are not a freak, we are just as normal as you are.
We are people just like you.
You fight so hard for us to not be able to marry.
You fight so hard for us to not be able to have children.
When you turn around and want the same services that you just denied us.
The motto heard is life is only for the cis and straight.
When will you learn that we are just like you no matter who we love.
No matter who we identify as.

Dehumanizing people because you are afraid has gotten anyone anywhere.
Restriction will only cause louder voices, more persistent voices.
Turn the tables and havoc ensues.
But I thought people didn't need those rights.
Now those rights are important because it affects you.
Suddenly the hate "dissolves" and the arms open.
But the hate never left and behind closed doors nothing has changed and the you outwardly show disappears like it never existed.
You assume that you can tell who should and shouldn't be lgbt+.

Like we choose to feel the way we do and suppress our every thought and feeling.
Feeling like half of a person because that's what society treats us as.
Being striped of hour person, personality, and confidence.
Stares and glares.
Being refused service because of choices that aren't a choice.
Thoughts of death and self harm just a turn around the mental corner.
Yes, yes, yes that's what we want in our everyday life.
The fear of being harassed, beaten, and killed on the streets.
Having to sell ourselves to get the basic needs.
Fear of being kicked to the curb.
Fear of losing our jobs under a different pretext even deep down is because of how you identify or love.

Freedom is all that is asked.
The freedom to be us and not drowned out.
The freedom to be safe.
The freedom to exist without your opinion.
The freedom to participate.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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