- When He Spoils You ♡☆

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• Growing up in a not so wealthy family, you have learnt to conserve your money. Barely buying anything for yourself for your own personal happiness but rather just things to keep you alive and well. 

- Knowing this, your carefree and outgoing (and rich) boyfriend loves spoiling you with so many things.

- Even while trying to limit himself from overwhelming you too much, there's just so many things he thinks you'd enjoy and would often go overboard with buying you gifts.

- He enjoys every little gift you try to pay him back with--sometimes only accepting cuddles and kisses as a thank you.

• "What? This? It was only a couple hundred dollars! you're worth way more than this though."

- Someone stop this man-child before he buys you a castle in the middle of nowhere and makes you two live there without anyone else to bother you two. (or don't.)

- Be careful with what you touch in stores because if he notices you admiring anything for even a second, its going straight to the cart. 

- He'll try to find any reason to get you stuff. Your birthday is what he's always excited for, being a day he can use as an excuse to buy you a ton of gifts without you getting too mad for spoiling you too much. 

• "I saw this guy selling some flowers so I bought a few because they looked really pretty," he says before proceeding to hold up four bouquets with so many varieties of flowers. 

- Besides buying you gifts, he loves spoiling you in other ways. When you two have the free time, he'd spend all day cooking or baking with you. 

- He would bring you to his small personal theater to binge watch movies while you two would cuddle on the big sofa. He would play with your hair or caress your sides and pepper small kisses on your forehead because he just can't stop giving you affection.

- He'd shower you in compliments any time he's able to. Before bed, when you wake up, when you two go out on a date--even when you feel absolutely awful he is always there to make you feel loved.

- Texting you daily small details of what he's doing during that time + good morning and good night texts. 

[A/N] Sorry for the long wait! I've been pretty busy lately and had writers block for a while. I do have a couple short ideas that I might be able to publish soon-- but then again I wrote this despite having a really important test tmr :').

Please enjoy this though! I really enjoyed writing it.

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