- Seeing you hurt ♡

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[no major injuries, just a small little bandage on your hand lol]

- Comes home from work all exhausted but was very excited to see you and cuddle with you again. 

- When he finds you in the living room sitting on the couch, the first thing he does is sit down next to you and lays his head on your lap.

- He tells you about his day and reaches his hands up to cup your cheeks to which you lean your head onto and hold onto his wrists. 

- he sees the small purple colored bandage on your hand and immediately sits up right, grabbing your hand in his to inspect it.

- Keeps asking you if you're okay, even after telling him you just got a small cut and that you already disinfected it and everything.

- Places so many kisses on top of it, then on your face and neck. then cuddles with you until the both of you fell asleep on the couch together.

"Oh my God, buttercup, I'm so sorry for babying you too much but please be careful. I don't like seeing you hurt, no matter how big or small the injury is."

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