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The next day, Dan called Gustav Fischer. "Dan, how's it going? Are you enjoying your travels? How can I be of assistance today?"

Dan answered, "It's going well. Martinsville was interesting, met a couple more Alphas. We are down here in Miami and might need some legal assistance. I could have called Jim Stevenson, but, I think I should probably start using Were friendly people in the future. So I should start making the transition slowly. I'm happy with Jim's work, but I now have unique circumstances surrounding me. Marissa was accosted on the beach and the two bully boys got their asses handed to them. I'm starting to train her in self defense. The two were arrested, but seemed to have some local standing and expectations of getting off. I think they may have some wealth and or connections. I need a local attorney that can A: defend Marissa if necessary, and B: possibly sue the two for 'damages'"

"I see." Gustav paused for a moment and Dan could hear typing. "Hmm, I see there is a lawyer in Orlando that has Pack connections. I know he is several hours away, but he knows about our special circumstances. As for the two bullies, I think you might should get someone high priced and powerful in the Miami area. Let me look. Oh, what are the two names for the idiots."

Dan gave over the information. "Let me get back to you. I'll call around and have some background information put together for you. In the mean time, go ahead and call Jim. He really is a great attorney, and may have some connections down there. By the way, I have done a full background on him, and he is potentially a good person to bring into the fold. He would be a great addition to our network overall. If you choose to fill him in at some point, let me know and I will arrange for someone to be with you that can fix things if he responds badly."

"Thanks Gustav, I didn't know you checked Jim out. That is good information to have. I'll call him and see what he has to say." Dan replied.

They hung up and Dan dialed Jim's office number. "Stevenson and Brower, how may I direct your call, please." Julie asked.

"Hello Julie, Dan walker here. I was wondering if Jim had a few moments, I have a small situation down here in Miami that may need some attention at some point." Dan told her.

"Let me check his schedule." She said, typing away. "He has thirty minutes free at ten o'clock, will that work for you?"

"That should be fine. That's ten your time?" Dan confirmed with a smirk.

"Oh, yes, you are three hours ahead." Julie said with a chuckle.

"Alright, I'll call back at one." Dan said, having already done the quick math. It was second nature for him since he had decades of time zone change experience.

Julie paused, and then laughed, "Yes, one o'clock your time, ten o'clock ours. Talk to you then."

Dan hit the end call button, and then went about the rest of his day.


"So, Dan, what trouble have you gotten into this time? You are quickly becoming my favorite client. You give me so many billable hours." Jim said into the phone.

Dan laughed, "Well, it isn't so much me for this one." Dan then gave Jim all of the details and sent him a copy of the video he had taken.

"Ah, I see, hold on a second, ooh ouch that had to hurt. Alright, from what I can hear on the video, Marissa can sue for mental damages if she chooses. I doubt very much she will have any criminal worries. You said this was in Miami? I know a guy down there. We have collaborated on various business deals over the years. Let me call him and see what and who he recommends. I'll have him call you."

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