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*Author's note:  Real life interferes.  I got it done, but I only did a spell check and not a true proof read. So, I'll get to the fixes when I can, and thank you.  Like, comment, and share if you want to.  Feedback is appreciated and enjoyed. *



Dan had finished growing into his new body. He was taller, heavier, and leaner than before the Rogue. He had gone down to his truck and trailer with some thetas and pulled all of his old clothing out. They didn't fit him any longer. He had been wearing clothes provided by the pack, mostly sweats, and other workout gear. He needed new clothes. It was time to buy something that would fit him. He approached George about it, and George agreed that it was time. This time, they would go down to Sacramento and hit the outlet malls near the airport. Again, George arranged an extraction team in case Dan's wolf decided that he was offended or angry. It was important that Dan and his wolf was able to tolerate the normal human stupidity that would anger most wolves.

So, this day, they took another pack SUV, needing the extra space, and the backup team got another vehicle to follow. This time, Dan knew the team was following. George had explained everything to him, and he agreed that it was a wise precaution. So, there they went. Dan was driving. He had to prove that he could deal with the traffic, too.

Most of the way, traffic was light, and Dan was enjoying going faster than he usually went. California has a split speed limit. Cars could go up to 65 MPH legally, and trucks or vehicles pulling trailers 55 MPH. He was pleased to finally go faster. Sometimes, he had to slow down as a truck pulled into the left lane to pass a slower truck or other vehicle. Wolf-Dan growled the first few times at the audacity of them cutting him off, but Dan carefully explained that it was to be expected and shared his personal experience of over 20 years driving truck. Both the frustration of having to go so slow, the stupidity of split speed limits, and the everyday experience of getting cut off by both trucks and cars. Yes, truckers are supposed to be better trained and experienced, but stupid has its way with everyone. It had taken Dan several years to learn that he had no control over others' actions, no control over the weather, and just let it go. It would be what it would be, and his load would always arrive 3 seconds after he did, since the load was always a few feet behind him.

After some small traffic snags, they arrived at the shopping area. Dan hated shopping but was looking forward to getting clothes that fit him and that he felt he could call his own. Yes, the pack gave him the clothes he was wearing, but it didn't feel right to him. He decided that he would also buy some things to add to Sugarloaf's clothing closet. They had things in all sizes for emergencies and those who didn't go shopping. They had lots of spares. Sometimes, a wolf shifted without getting undressed, and that always destroyed their clothes. If a wolf shredded their things too often, they had to pay the pack back for the clothes, but usually, basic clothing was provided for free.

Dan and George walked into the first store and browsed around. Dan finally found the style he was looking for and chose 10 pairs of jeans. He pretty much cleared the shelf of his size. He then thought about it a moment and put some back. He decided that it would look suspicious to get everything from one location. So he made some other choices and then checked out. The duo went in and out of several stores, buying a few items from each location. They made several trips out to the SUV to stash things away and then kept on.

Lunch time rolled around. They had spotted several different places to eat. To hide being a wolf, they just ordered what they wanted, ate, and then went on to a different restaurant and ordered something different. After three different food places, they were full, and went back to shopping.

On their way to the next store, some young adults were coming towards them. They were noisy and were dressed like wannabe gang members. They were pushing other people out of their way and basically threatening the people shoved if they complained. Most folks saw and heard them coming and quickly moved out of the way to avoid trouble. Dan looked at George and saw that George was assessing Dan. For one, seeing what he would do, and two, seeing if his wolf was about to flip out.

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