Chapter 4

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Dan knocked on the Alpha's door frame, "Alpha? Is now a good time?" He poked his head around the corner, and saw several people in the office.

"Come on in, close the door and have a seat." Alpha James answered. "This is Eldest Anthony, and Elder Gertrude. I'm not sure if you have met them yet.." Also in the room was George. They were all sitting in the more casual area of the office on sofas and love seats.

Dan entered and sat next to George on one of the sofas. Sherry entered and sat on James' lap. "Thank you for seeing me Alpha and Luna," Dan started, nodding to the Alpha pair. "Nice meeting you again, Eldest and Elder. I am concerned about the Lonewolf family. I spoke with Marissa last night while everyone was on the run and hunt. My impression is that they are financially strapped, and cannot afford repairs to their vehicle, and that Marissa wants a bit more stability than traveling all the time. I wanted to ask what your impressions are of Larry and June Smithfield. Are they honest, dependable, worthy of assistance?"

Alpha James pondered the question, thinking about how the trio felt when he interviewed them. "I think they are trustworthy. They are proud, won't take charity unless they have absolutely no other options. What were you thinking?" Sherry nodded her concurrence. She had been there when the Smithfields had been brought in.

Dan debated with himself a moment, then, "I have a place in southeastern Washington that is truly too big for just myself. But I want the space for all the various projects I have wanted to try to do over the years, and now have the time and money to try out. I could use some trustworthy folks to keep an eye on things, and do small repairs. They could farm, do general maintenance, get a job, or just chill. Marissa could go to school and make friends. It is outside of town by about 2-3 miles and has a creek off the edge of the property. It is also about 15 minutes from the Blue Mountains and Oregon. I propose that if they are willing, I would hire the family to be my caretakers while I myself go off adventuring. It keeps my home base secure, and gives me peace of mind. I understand that my plans have now changed. But my goals are mostly still the same. If they agree, I would need to contact the Sheriff's office and let them know. I have asked them to keep an eye on things for me. I'll also need to get a hold of Gustav..... Oh shit.... I really need to call Gustav and tell him I am alright. I bet he is worried that he hasn't seen any expenditures on my accounts." Dan wound down and face palmed, in chagrin. He couldn't believe that he forgot about calling his support staff, his lawyer and accountant.

James nodded. "I'm a bit surprised that you haven't looked at your phone closer. We used your thumbprint and got it open, checked your messages and notified Gustav that you had found a neat place to side trip and delay your plans. We sent someone to the store and bought supplies for a few weeks. We will reimburse you for that. So at least short term, we have you covered. Sorry about invading your privacy, but we needed to know whom to contact to delay things for as long as possible."

Dan nodded in thanks and sighed in relief. "Thank you Alpha, and that is alright. I can understand in this instance. It needed to be done. Now that that panic attack is over," Dan and the others chuckled a little, "what do you think of my proposal?" Dan asked everyone.

Sherry looked thoughtful, then, "I think your idea has merit. Not charity, a job in a secure location. A chance for some roots. At least temporarily. You are incredibly generous to offer to assist someone you just met yesterday."

James looked to the Elders, who looked at each other briefly. Anthony said, "I like how you think Dan. Not a handout, a hand up. Very pack like, yet with a Lonewolf's perspective. I will be interested to see how the Smithfield's answer your offer." Gertrude nodded in agreement.

George just watched everything in silence. He thought Dan's proposal was rather genius, solving multiple problems with one solution. Now if only the Smithfields would take the offer. He thought that Larry was a low Gamma, and June was a Theta. He didn't know where Marissa fit in yet, not having much of a chance to interact with her, and her being a pup.

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