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Dan was asleep. He felt this cold wet thing in his hand. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at Rosebud. "You need to go out?"

*Yes, potty* Rose responded.

"I suppose we need to get to the hardware store and get some new door handles." Dan said as he got up. He went to the door outside and opened it, letting Rose out, then closing it, leaving it cracked a bit. Rose could come back in and close it herself.

Dan went and did his own thing, and then showered and dressed for the day. He strolled into the kitchen and got some coffee. "Morning June, I should have a count for lunch with enough time to hit the store if needed. Remind me please, we need to hit a hardware store for those lever type door handles."

"OK, Boss, sausage and eggs?" June replied.

"That's fine, thank you. Do we have sour dough?" Dan asked.

"Fresh loaf bought two days ago. Four?" She answered.

"Sounds good. You don't have to cook for me, you know. I've been taking care of myself for years." Dan said with a grin.

"You hired Larry and I to take care of this fine place. That includes taking care of you while you are here. And here comes Rosebud for her breakfast." June said as she placed a bowl with beef cubes on the floor.

Rosebud came up and licked June's hand in appreciation and then scarfed down her breakfast. Dab wandered off and found his tablet. He sat at the table and logged in to the Werenet. After a little searching, he found a section for mind healers. He found one in a pack in Idaho, not too far away. He sent a massage to the Healer, and gave the basics of Blue Ridge's problem, and asked for help on their behalf. He also gave Alpha Brown's phone number, stating that it was open and not secure, but Blue Ridge would be getting updated soon.

June brought over a plate piled high with sausage and eggs, and a side plate of cut fruit and the toast. Soft butter on the side. Dan thanked her and ate his fill. Before he could pick up his plates and utensils, Marissa sneaked up and took everything from him.

"Are you practicing to be a sneaky Theta?" Dan joked.

Marissa blushed, "No, but since you are essentially the Alpha of this household, it is right that my family do what it can to earn our pay and take care of your needs.

"Oh, alright. Where is your dad? I haven't seen him yet this morning." Dan asked.

"I believe he is out in that huge excuse for a garage. I think he mentioned something about mowing." June answered for Marissa as she brought over more coffee to refill Dan's cup.

"Ah, I think I'll join him out there. The grass does look a tad long." With that, Dan scooped up his topped off coffee and wandered out with Rose shadowing him quietly.

Dan quickly entered the garage and hit the button for the lawn care door. Sunshine burst into the area and revealed the tools and equipment for gardening and lawns.

Larry was just finishing putting gas into the riding mower and greeted Dan, "Hey Dan, what can I help you with?"

"Nothing, I thought I would help with the lawn. You would think that with all the driving I have done, mowing would suck, but I find a lawn mower relaxing. I hate weed eating though." Dan answered.

"Well, have at it then. I just checked the oil and sharpened the blades, full of gas, ready to go. I can get the weed eater going." Larry told him

Dan nodded and stepped over to a sink and found a travel mug with a lid. He rinsed out the mug and poured his coffee in. Then he grabbed earmuffs off of a shelf and slipped them on. Firing up the mower, he pulled out and began mowing the 3 acres of grass he had. It usually took him about two and a half hours. Larry shook his head and then began inspecting the trimmer. He didn't care for weed whacking either, but you usually had to do things you didn't like, just so things looked good.

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