Chapter 6

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The previous evening Jerry and John explained about Kitsune. How they didn't shift, they had glamours that hid their fox features. They were somewhat magical beings. They remained a bit vague on what magic they could actually do. Being secretive in the supernatural world is the norm, Dan was finding out. Now, after breakfast they met up with the Smithfields.

Jerry explained that they had brought new cell phones and laptops for the Smithfields. The Lonewolf family looked rather shocked. They had never had anything more than a prepaid phone and never a computer. John got them set up with their new toys, and gave them their new banks cards to access the accounts that had been set up for them by Dan.

Dan explained, "I know you haven't done any work for me yet, but, I think it reasonable to give an advance to help you move and get set up. The phones and laptops will help you communicate with me and whomever you need to. It will help with Marissa's school work. Plus, if you are outside of the family bond range, you can still get a hold of each other. I understand that John here will teach you all you need to know and help with any questions."

The Smithfields nodded with tears in their eyes, and John led them off to a small conference room to begin their instruction in modern communication and internet safety.

Jerry asked to see Dan's phone after the small group went off. Dan unlocked it and handed it over. Jerry took it and inspected it. "Alright, top of the line, not unexpected. I just need to add a couple of apps to give you access to the Werenet, and increase your security,"

"Werenet?" Dan asked curiously.

"Yeah, it a new thing that was the brainchild of Alpha Adam of Wild Valley up in Canada. It is slowly making it's way around the world as the preferred web of the supernatural. It is highly secure and impenetrable by humans. I'll get you set up in a bit. Okay, that's your phone, any other devices that you have here?" Jerry explained as he worked.

"My computers are down in my truck." Dan answered.

Jerry gave him an odd look, but nodded. "Alright, lets get to your truck. You know it isn't a good idea to leave electronics in a vehicle right? Too subject to the vagaries of the weather and environment."

Dan smirked a little. "Normally you would be correct. Hey Stanly, could you get us down to the warehouse?" Stanly had been passing by, and Dan took advantage of his ability to communicate with the pack.

Stan looked slightly vacant, then responded, "George will be with you in a few moments. He just got out of medical. I'll have a car brought up."

"Thank you Stanly, We'll be out front." Dan appreciated the assistance.

The vehicle arrived before George did. George was slowly hobbling towards them from medical. When he arrived, he stated, "I won't be forgetting that any time soon. But that is the point of these things. Hello, I am Beta George." He finished, introducing himself to the two Kitsune.

Greetings and introductions done, they climbed into the vehicle and George directed Dan how to get to the pack warehouse. After a while, they arrived and they went around to where Dan's rig was parked. George and Jerry stared in shock at the shiny big vehicle. It was a deep dark purple with a cloudy sky towards the top. On the tractor it had a full moon and a single wolf howling. The night time clouds, lit by the moon, carried onto the trailer, and then the clouds faded, and then the purple transitioned to a gloss black at the rear of the rig. The tractor was one of those custom jobs, well, the trailer was also, but.. It had a gigantic sleeper/living unit behind the cab.

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