High Pointe - Episode 13

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"Now, let's try again," I said, stepping away from her and straightening the silks until they laid flat once more. I returned to the far side of the room, and Sophia moved without prompting, her body a little sluggish and stiff after the punishment.She didn't look in my direction as she positioned herself between the two silks. In fact, she didn't seem to be looking at anything at all, like her mind was separated from her body entirely.

"Begin," I instructed, and watched as she turned once, twice, three times. Each rotation was measured, calculated, careful.


But it was missing something, some of the natural grace that had drawn me to her from the start. The turns were robotic, passionless. She wasn't dancing now, she was going through the motions, performing a shallow mimicry of what dance ought to be.

And that might have been worth it, if there were no mistakes

Yet, when she only had a third of the silk runway left, the chain at her wrist pulled taut from the number of times it had been twisted and unbalanced her. She stumbled through the last turn and gasped, sucking in a distraught and shuddering breath as she stared down at the silk in dismay.

There was no triumph in my chest, no victory or relief that the lesson had been learned, or excitement that I would have another chance to bend her over and draw those tears from her gorgeous blue eyes once more.

Instead, all I could see was the way her bottom lip trembled as she stared down at the rumpled silk, the way her fingers clutched at the twisted chain that had betrayed her.

After a moment of silence, her shoulders dropped and she stepped away from the silk, back to the barre. She released her grip on the chain and grasped the barre instead, bending as she had before. Ass in the air, hair covering her face from my view, she waited for the punishment she knew would come. I approached, resting my hand on her lower back and feeling the muscle beneath my hand tense as she prepared for the punishment that was sure to come.

"How many?" I asked, because I wanted her to realize just how far she had come in only one lesson. A part of me didn't want to count that final stumble at all, knowing that if she were free to dance without the chain she wouldn't have made a single mistake. Still, decreasing her missteps from ten to one was a phenomenal achievement, and it felt absurd to give her the single spank that she had earned.

"Three," she said, a hard edge to her voice. I raised an eyebrow and glanced back at the silk to see that she was right. She may have only stumbled once, but there were three indents in the silk that still lay across the floor like a monument to her mistake. I looked in the mirror then, trying to catch a glimpse of her face even as I wondered to myself if she could handle three smacks when she was clearly disassociating.

The last thing I wanted was to push her so far past the edge that she learned a lesson I wasn't trying to teach.

I sighed, and pulled my hand back, watching the way she went completely still, the way her breathing hitched in fear as she waited for the first blow to land. I could see the tension in her muscles, her entire body strung too tight. I wanted to smooth that tension away, to make her pliable and obedient once more. Drugging her wasn't an option right now, though. Not if I wanted her to remember what she'd learned.

"This won't do." I said, and she jolted at the words, her entire body stiffening as her mind raced to understand why she wasn't getting the punishment she'd earned. She didn't speak, though. I wasn't certain she could, considering the state of mind she was in.

It was no matter, she would certainly be back in her own body and making more than enough noise once I was done with her.

With a wicked smile, I stepped up behind her and placed both hands on her hips, sliding them down to take two handfuls of ass and lift until she was standing demi pointe. Wrapping my thumbs around her inner thighs, I slid them both over the leotard covered mound between her legs. I kept the pressure light, teasing, but there was no question what I was doing.

High PointeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora