High Pointe - Episode 10

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I stormed into my study, slamming the door behind me. It was a childish act, a display of emotion that was completely unbefitting of a man of my age and status, but I didn't have it in me to care.

Striding over to the bar, I poured myself a drink and stormed over to the large leather armchair near the fireplace, throwing myself down and glaring at the far wall. I took a long, slow sip of the aged scotch, and the liquid burned a line down my throat as I turned things over in my mind. Now that I was alone, I was forced to face the truth.

This first training had not gone the way I wanted it to.

I closed my eyes, going over every detail as I tried to pinpoint the moment I lost control of the situation. Was it the moment I'd opened the door to find her already dancing? I did appreciate the way she was so determined to keep practicing despite waking up locked away in a strange place.

But no, it wasn't her determination or dedication that had caused me to falter. Even her attempt to escape had only served to impress me, and the way she threw herself into following my instructions once I'd made it clear what I had brought her there to do was a prime example of the obedience I expected from my students.

Perhaps it had been the enticing way that her muscles had shifted and bunched as she performed her plies, dipping and rising over and over, the near-perfect form wavering as I pushed her to keep going.

The pleading look in her eye -


I gripped my glass tighter, taking another sip as the image of her staring up at me came back to my mind, Looking into her eyes had been a mistake. Unshed tears made them glisten and her bottom lip trembled for added effect. It had come at a surprise, but seeing her like that left me wanting nothing more than to gather her in my arms and run my fingers through her hair, to comfort her and assure her she was okay. To tell her how well she was doing and that the only reason I was punishing her was because she had earned it.

She had pushed me, disobeyed me, and I had needed to ensure she would be obedient going forward.

I had needed to set a precedent.

Instead, I had caved to her shining eyes and shaking legs, stopping before she'd truly broken.

Stopping long before I would have if it were any of the students who paid me to train them.

I should have forced her to keep going, should have made her suffer for the ring of bruises that were already forming along my throat, but the sight of her in tears as she pushed herself to keep up with my demands had left me dizzy with desire and desperate to cradle her against me and wipe those tears away.

I downed the rest of my drink and grimaced, shoving that thought away. Ridiculous. Sophia Hawkins was a just another student. A student I had chosen for her potential, sure, but a student nonetheless.

I had to maintain control over her.

I had to maintain control over myself.

I couldn't afford to cave to her every whim and whimper. We wouldn't get anywhere that way and I had promised her that I would teach her how to be the best, train her to become the shining star I knew she could be. If that were the case then I might as well go down there right now and give her something to knock her out and make this entire experience a foggy blur. I could send her home with only a vague memory of her experience with me and even if she tried to tell someone what had happened, who would believe her?

I pressed my lips together, already hating the idea. If I let her go, I would have to keep looking for someone to replace her and I wasn't certain there was anyone better suited to becoming my perfect protégé. Sophia hadn't done anything to deserve being sent away. She had followed my instructions and pushed herself to keep going until I told her she could stop. In fact, she'd done remarkably well for a first session and it only left me more convinced that she deserved to be up on stage for the whole world to see.

If anyone was compromised and causing issues, then it was me. I had fallen prey to some soft emotion and if it continued to happen then there was no way I would be able to give her the training she deserved. I had to get a hold of myself if I wanted to keep my word. There would be no room for leniency from here on out, no matter how tempting it might be.

With a sigh, I set my empty glass on the small table beside the chair and leaned forward, rubbing my eyes with the heels of my hands.

I would have to find a way to harden myself to her before tomorrow morning.

Speaking of which, I frowned down at my still throbbing cock. It had grown hard during our session, and remained rather insistently. The sound of the crop against her thighs and the view of her heaving chest, her cheeks flushed pink and her breath coming in fast pants, had all combined to cause an intoxicating vision and my own anger at myself had done nothing to dissuade it.

I knew what most people assumed about me. I saw in in the way that some of the dancers flinched away when I touched their hips or shoulders to adjust their form. They thought I was a pervert, a predator looking to prey on young, vulnerable dancers, but they were wrong. I saw most of those women as nothing more than imperfect versions of the characters they were attempting to portray on stage. Every once in a while one of them would impress me and I wasn't nearly as repulsed by touching them, but not because they deserved my attention, my instruction.

They had earned it.

Those girls were few and far between, however, and every one of them claimed that I'd done more to them than I ever did. They had no idea how far I could take things if I wanted to, and apparently neither had I. Not until now, until Sophia.

A memory flashed through my mind from the night before, the feel of her wet heat gripping the tip of my cock and encouraging me forward. Even unconscious and unaware, her body had granted me permission as it tried to pull me in. Her pussy had wanted me with an unexpected desperation. One I could not deny her even if I'd wanted to.

With a groan, I unzipped and reached inside my slacks to stroke myself, pulling my cock free and beginning to pump my fist slowly as I thought of her and all the things I could do.

All the things I would do.

I'd told her that the price for her instruction had gone up, and I meant it. After her little escape attempt I was determined to ensure that she understood exactly who was in charge here and exactly what she had signed up for. I was giving her a free place to stay, all the nutrition she needed, and instruction she never could have afforded otherwise.

It was only fair that she give me something in return.

Her body, her obedience, and her submission.

I was going to demand everything from her and I was not going to go easy on her again. She had already tested my limits once and I had shown mercy.

It was a mistake I would not repeat.

I leaned back in the chair, pumping my cock slowly as I imagined her lips wrapped around the shaft, her eyes staring up at me, wide and teary and pleading the way that they had been less than an hour ago. I couldn't cave to those gorgeous, heartbroken eyes again. If she thought she could get away with taking shortcuts by turning on the waterworks we would never accomplish anything.

I decided to test myself, to make sure I could remain firm in the face of her tears. The longer I thought about her damp cheeks and red rimmed eyes the more enticing the vision became. She was so pretty when she cried, so desperate for relief. My hand moved faster, the pleasure building as I remembered the way she'd gasped when the crop came down on her soft, supple flesh, her body trembling and the sounds of her sobs echoing through the studio as I demanded she keepgoing.

Suddenly, a fantasy of her tied up and kneeling before me with tears in her eyes as she tried to pull away from where my cock was buried deep in her throat came to mind. My body shook and my balls tightened. The sound of her gasping, gagging for air and unable to get away, echoed in my mind. Then pleasure was ripping through my body as I suddenly came.

I was left panting, sweat glistening on my forehead as my cock softened in my hand.


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