My Abusive Boyfriend Is Infuriated

Start from the beginning

"Okay, Val, I'll pick up relish. Happy?"

"Very," Val hummed, "Thanks, baby~."

     Vox hung up, finally starting his car. Just another thing to do today. Had you been here, he would've made you take his suit and pick up the 'relish' to make you atone for your previous slip-up; thinking of you only made him more upset though, forcing him to remember you still had not been found. Were you dead? Were you hurt? Were you scared? Why did he care? When those thoughts came, it was better for him to not dwell on his feelings in the matter. He had Val, and although they weren't official boyfriends, they were as close as one could get in this kind of industry; he didn't need you to fill the hole in his heart when it came to this. Backing his car out of the driveway, he began the drive down to the dry cleaners.

     Vox pulled into the parking lot, nabbing the suit as he maneuvered out of the car. Pressing a button on the fob, he made sure it was locked before turning to enter the dry cleaners. When he walked inside, he flinched. It smelt exactly like you. And it smelt like you were happy. His TV whipped around, scanning distressedly for your presence. His eyes halted when he saw a familiar red pinstripe suit and giant poofy ears. It was Alastor. Vox stood in shock for a moment, before stomping over. What business does this prick have being here—wasn't he dead?! He witnessed Alastor slink away after extermination day, how was he still able to function??

Wait a minute...

It was him, he smelled like you. He smelled like he pleased you. He smelled like—

     "You fucker!" Vox yelled. Alastor spun to meet Vox's gaze, his eyes glinting with mischief—almost like he knew exactly what he was doing. Vox clenched his hands hard, nearly drawing blood from his palms.

     "Vox, old pal! To what do I owe the pleasure?" His smile only seemed to grow. Vox grabbed his lapels, slamming him into a nearby wall. The sinners still there scattered hastily, not trying to die as part of an overlord scuffle.

     "What. The fuck. Did you do to her," Vox snarled. He pressed Alastor further into the now-destroyed brick as the demon laughed.

     "I do not understand, my good fellow! I would never associate myself with anyone pitiful enough to work under you!" He grunted as the sharp edges of the wall stabbed into his back.

     "You can't fucking lie to me when you so obviously reek of her."

     "Clearly your technology needs an update, and you question why I stay in the past," Alastor scoffed. Vox was at his wit's end as he lifted Alastor just to smash him into the floor. Alastor's smile remained strong, however, a small stream of blood ran from his lips.

     "You're gonna tell me where she is or I'm raiding that stupid fucking hotel until you give her up," Vox's left eye swirled, even though he knew it didn't affect Alastor.

     "I don't see why you care this much, was it not you who dumped her on the streets?" Alastor inquired, but it only enraged Vox more. One of his hands left Alastor's lapels to throw a heavy punch to his face; Alastor didn't react much, however. "You better be fucking ready, I will blow that shitstain hotel to the ground," Vox shoved his TV in Alastor's face to punctuate his threat, then picked himself from the floor. He needed to prepare to storm the palace, he didn't have time to dawdle with the radio demon. He hopped in his car once more, speeding off towards the tower.

     Alastor cursed himself. He should've known better than to ignite the wrath of Vox. He knew the little gremlin couldn't do much to the hotel, with it now being under Lucifer's protection, but he could hurt the people living there by catching them by themselves when they were most defenseless. He couldn't believe he told you he wouldn't let Vox take you, what an empty promise. He'd have no choice but to give you up to protect everyone he had come to care about. He shouldn't even care for you, why did he care? It was an idiotic question, even if he did have the answer, he probably wouldn't like it. Maybe he needed to see Rosie, she might have the solution. For now, he needed to return to the hotel and warn its residents of the oncoming 'threat.' He sunk into the shadows, quickly routing to the hotel.

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