When The World Expose You

Start from the beginning

I don't know what will happen if we reach home, but there's a tightening pain in my heart that keeps telling me that things will not be the same for us ever again.

We arrived, and each step I took made my heart take a hurting beat. The corpses we matched, the stained blood, and the children crying over their parents's dead bodies made me go numb and weak, and my breathing began to seize.

Upon reaching our home, I was welcomed with blood, and that's when my world started crumbling. My parent's lifeless body was staring at us. I stood there, staring at their corpses.

I looked down at Maha, and her face was filled with sorrow and understanding, and it broke me to see her in that manner. But as I spoke, I could feel the emotions welling up inside me, threatening to break me through. 

I fought to keep my composure, but it was a losing battle. Tears began to stream down my face. I could feel the weight of not having them around pressing down on me as I struggled to breathe. 

What scared me more was that Maha didn't cry. She was just looking at them, and she smiled. She looked at me and signed, "Adda In sha Allah, they're in a better place, and they will be happy in Jannah." I cried and cried.

I cried when I saw Maha enter my parent's room and bring my father's Hiram. She covered them; she used it and covered them, and all I could do was stare at her.

And that's all. That's the last time I ever got to see my parents. Life continued, but the pain was there. It was hard to eat, hard to live, and hard to take care of a disabled Maha. But we got along with each other. And Baba said I should take care of Maha because I am all she has and she can only trust me.

Some days I want to give up, but Maha keeps me goingShe didn't shed a tear, and I was worried—not until the day after I went out to look for food. I came home, and I heard some noise coming from my parents's house.

I went there, and that's when I saw Maha clutching my parent's picture and crying. She cried, and it broke me to see her crying, and since then she has never cried again.

Life continued, and the hardships kept increasing, it's hard to get a proper meal, it's hard to get something warm, and it's hard to be a normal kid again.
We can't go back to our uncle's house because he will never take us back.

And that's how I find myself talking to the sky as if I'm talking to my uncle.

Uncle, can you believe it?

Every day we go to sleep cold and hungry?!

No money, nothing!

Baba was a Shaheed.

Before he died, we always had wood.

We also had his hugs and smiles to keep us warm.

But now...


Baba is gone; our warmth is gone.

But, Uncle, what did we do wrong?

What about the promise you made to Baba?

That you will take us to your house in the city,

That you would feed us,

That we would go back to school.

What happened?

Did we do something wrong, Uncle? 

If this is how promises are fulfilled, then I wish you would let Baba take us with him.

And boom here I am back again. How was the chapter so far.

I've saved tissue in case anyone of u here needs it.

If you start reading the book from the beginning, you will understand that this is where the book starts. Hope you get it know.

What's your thought about the book so far?.

Should we end it now or we should keep going🤩🤩

Kindly Don't Forget To


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With Love Aeesha_Ahmad🖤🖤.

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