And that was the last thing she said before they were both out like a light.


It was early the next morning when the FBI helicopter landed in the Outer Banks and you could see the way Shoupe's face dropped when he saw who the FBI had sent for this mission.

"You got to be kidding me" Shoupe mumbled as three muscular men walked over with duffel bags in their hands and a gun on each of their hips.

"You must be Deputy Shoupe and Deputy Plumb?Special Agent Luke Hobbs with the FBI" He said, shaking their hands before introducing the two men who were stood on either side of him.

"This is Agent Shaw and Agent O'conner" The two men also shook their hands out of respect "We're very sorry to hear about Sheriff Peterkin"

Shoupe nodded "Yeah, thank you. She was a very special lady"

"We just wanted to let you know, we're not here to step on any local toes, but from our reading on the situation, we have a homicidal individual on the loose, and the entire island population is at risk until he's apprehended" Hobbs started.

"We'll set up a marine cordon for containment. We start from the top down, we move systematically block by block" Brian finished.

"Let's do it" Shoupe said "Oh and before you go, we've had confirmation that our suspect John B Routledge seems to have an accomplice with him" He said before handing him a brown envelope "All the informations in there"

"All right. Thank you" Hobbs nodded to him and Plumb, handing the envelope over to Deckard to open as they walked away from the two officers.

"Hobbs we got a problem here" Deckard showed Brian and Hobbs the information sheet of their niece; Eleanor Toretto who was now a wanted fugitive in the murder of Sheriff Peterkin.

Hobbs sighed "We need to speak to Leon now and then I want you to send Agent Williams and Agent Cruz to go pick up Dom and Letty. I want them here by tomorrow"



After coming out of the church that night whilst pretending to be John B, Sarah had been questioned by the police but she kept her lips sealed as they pushed and poked for any information at all.

"Listen up. We have a blanket warrant on all residences assumed to be empty. We have check-points on the bridges to limit mobility" One of the FBI agents spoke to everyone that was in the three tents.

Sarah was barely listening as she stood from the un-comfy chair that she had been sleeping on all night. She knew she had to tell the truth to what really happened that day on the tarmac even if it meant losing her dad and brother.

At least her friends would be safe.

"Excuse me, Sir" Sarah said urgently as she walked over to the man who looked like he was the hulk but in human form "Sir, excuse me. I need to tell you something...please I-"

"I'll get you an officer okay?" One of the men said as he nodded at her.

Another man with a gun to his chest, walked over and wrapped his arm around Sarah's waist to try and guide her to another tent but she wasn't having it.

"No!" She quickly denied "I want to talk to the FBI me go! Excuse me! FBI guy!"

"Agent Williams, you can let her go" Hobbs put a strong hand out as Sarah let out a sigh of relief when she felt the guy loosen his grip so she was now standing untouched.

"Thank you" Sarah nodded at Hobbs as she made eye contact with him but before she could have a chance to speak, her father's voice called out.

"Oh, my god. Sweetheart, you're up, finally" He gasped as his eyes filled with a fake expression of happiness on seeing his daughter.

The blonde soon started shaking her head when she realised that Ward knew what she was about to do.

"Come on, Sarah, I just had the go ahead that you can finally come home" He reached out to try and grab his daughter but she was soon taking steps backwards to get away from him but she wasn't strong enough as Ward managed to grab Sarah by her arm.

"Come on, sweetheart. We gotta let these people do their jobs" He tried to pull her away "I'm very sorry" He smiled at Hobbs who was watching the interaction with furrowed brows. He knew something was up.

And that's when Sarah took her only chance. She shouted "John B didn't shoot Peterkin and neither did Eleanor!"

"Sarah!" Her dad shouted "I can tell you that is not true. I gave a sworn deposition" He told agent Hobbs quickly whilst trying to remain calm.

Sarah wasn't giving up as she fought for what was right "No! That's a lie! Everything he's saying is a lie!" The blonde screamed.

"Fine!" Ward cut her off as Sarah looked at him with tears in her eyes while trying to catch her breath "Fine. Who did it, then, Sarah? Who killed Sheriff Peterkin?"

Hobbs looked over at Sarah as Brian and Deckard came walking over to see what the girl had to say "Rafe" She whispered, her voice cracking under pressure.

Hobbs then took a step towards the girl as Ward shut his eyes quickly and tilted his head back in anger.

"My brother Rafe shot Sheriff Peterkin" She sniffed, pushing past her father and standing right in front of the now three agents "I saw. He had the gun" Sarah had to take a minute to process what she had just said as tears streamed down her face.

It was only a matter of minutes until Ward was pulling her away again and this time he was successful. Even though she was fighting, screaming and kicking her legs, Ward and the officer from earlier managed to pick her up from the ground and over to his car.

The whole time she was yelling for Agent Hobbs who was looking at her while whispering to the agent next to him until a hand was put over her mouth to keep her from talking, the car door was slammed shut and just like that, she was once again on her way back to TannyHill.

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