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*3 days later , at the newly built TwitchCon , kirino was giving his speech on the mic*

Kirino: This week has been a week of glory , not only for Twitch , but for the whole city , we have saved our dear Ohio from the evilest of the evilest , and even though most of us might be strangers to each other , we will always have each others back at times of difficulty , because this is the true humanity inside us , now E.K.A is forever gone and our town can now live in peace for a long time.

*There was a huge cheer after Kirino's speech on the mic, and it felt like the whole world had just been lifted off their shoulders. After all that they've been through together, the town of Ohio could finally live in peace once more, without having to worry about E.K.A or anyone else bothering them. It was a truly happy ending for everyone involved, and they all felt a sense of pride and satisfaction at what they had achieved*

*Then the mayor of Ohio and very famous youtuber , MrBeast , gave the four heroes , Fei , Tenma , Kirino and Zanark a medal of honor each , as the crowd started applauding and screaming their names*

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