Chapter 5: Discovering The Truth

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*Kirino is a bit surprised by Wonderbot's sudden teleportation, but he's not opposed to it. It seems like the right choice to have zanark examined in a lab as soon as possible*

*The team quickly gets zanark transferred to the lab, and they watch to see what wonderbot will do with him*

*Then Professor Cryptix himself appears , as he takes zanark to examine him*

Professor Cryptix: Alright kids , stay in there and dont come to the operating room at any time

*Professor Cryptix then took zanark and closed the door*

A few moments later

*Professor cryptix comes back with a chip on his han*

Professor Cryptix: Alright it turns out this is not any ordinary weed , it has a substance that generates a chip that controls the persons brain

Kirino: WHAT THE HELL?! Then how can i still behave and act on my own? and same for Tenma

Professor Cryptix: Luckily , some of the blunts hes distributed didnt have the substance in it , and apparently thats you and Tenmas case.

*The four look completely shocked by this revelation. They had no idea that this was some kind of sophisticated drug*

Professor Cryptix: He will have to stay in a hospital to recover from the effects , but i know whos behind all of this

Tenma: WHO?! Who is behind all of this?

Professor Cryptix: His name is HD , he hides as a man called Hughes Dickson , who distributes weed to every person lonely in the streets , some of those blunts contain this substance created to control the people and cause havoc with it , apparently , hes trying to create his own empire by taking over Ohio , through his chemically modified weed

Fei: This is crazy! Hughes Dickson is just spreading this drug around town?

Kirino: And him trying to create an empire is just outright evil. But this HD guy is the main guy behind all this?!

Professor Cryptix: Apparently he is

Tenma: Damn...this is so crazy! So what do we do now? Is there any way to stop him and his plans?

Professor Cryptix: There is a way

*Then professor cryptix took a box of nanochips and a gun that shoots them*

Professor Cryptix: See these little boys here? you have to charge them into the gun and shoot at HDs minions three times , that will stabilize them and destroy the chip that controls them , keep in mind these are normal people that are victims of HDs evildoings , his hideout is right at the Twitch Con at the end , following a red hallway where the entrance is , its going to be celebrated tomorrow at 10 AM , so you should wake up at 7 AM come here , i will give you the items you need and get in there and and through the stage without any security guards noticing

*Kirino nods, listening very carefully to what Professor Cryptix is saying. HD's evil plan is becoming more clear, and they are the ones who will stop it*

Tenma: So all we have to do is make sure those nanochips are charged and we shoot them at HD's minions, and then that's enough to stop them from following the drug's commands.

Kirino: The Twitch Con, huh? That sounds like a very fitting place for HD to hide his operation, 

Fei: it also seems like it'll be easy for us to sneak in there without any trouble.

Professor Cryptix: Yes , we shall meet tomorrow at the hour i told you to be , now you shall return home and get some sleep , its getting late

*Kirino nods once again, this time in agreement. It's already late, so he realizes that he should indeed get some sleep*

Kirino: Okay, we'll meet you here tomorrow early in the morning. Good thing we have a whole night to prepare ourselves....I'd better get some rest now, though. I want to be well-rested for this

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