Alternate Ending

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"Wei ying.. I'll be here. Waiting for you. I promise."


Years went by and suddenly, Lan Wangji, now 35, is now a God whom ascended to heaven. In honor for his beloved, made his palace assent with butterflies and flowers.

Lan Wangji, earned the title "The Mighty Hanguang Jun" after ascending to heaven with all but light radiating the whole heavens. Now, he is the God who looks after All City of Gusu.

After Hanguang Jun finished his works, he took a stroll in the mortal realm at the place where Wei Ying and Lan Zhan used to go. The garden of his mother. Before, there were teo bunnies that only took up the space, now, there are hundreds of them and some died due to old age. He and his brother sure does love taking care of them. But the two Wei Ying gave him are still alive and well with him.

Wei Ying

The rabbits you gave me have grown up, the Cloud Recesses now are raising many rabbits, I think you would definitely like it if you see it..

He took a stroll on the garden that left an impact on him. He looked to a familiar corner where he and his- Wei Ying, would pain and write in their free time during his time here at cloud recesses.

"Hey Lan Zhan, what would you do if I'm gone?"

"Mm. Cant live without Wei Ying. Cloud Recesses would be silent."

"Dummy Lan Zhan! Cloud recesses would still be lively without me! And its good tour talking in long sentences now! I'm proud of you!"

"Mn. Dont want Wei Ting to go."

"Silly Lan Zhan, I would always be here.."

He wanted to cry at the memories the bou gave him but he will remain strong. For Wei ying. He would wait. No matter how many years.

I'd be there waiting. So everytime you'll come back, you could come back home. To me. And just, smile.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard rustling behind the cherry Blossom tree. He saw something moving..

"Outsiders are forbidden to go here." He spoke

"Oh? I can't be here any longer?"

Lan Wangji's eyes went wide when he heard the familiar voice. Could it be...
The mysterious man or woman? Popped their head behind the tree and smiled at the lad.

"I hope I didn't made you wait for too long Lan Zhan"

Lan Wangji could'nt move a muscle when he saw who's infront of him. But when he did, he lounged at the man and hugged him tight silently tearing up. "Woah! Hahaha! I missed you too"

"Wei ying... how?"

The other just smiled at him and kissed his nose. "Its a story for another time.." Lan Wangji once again embraced him. After sharing lots of stories and catching up, "lets go to your baba and A-die"

Wei Uing smiled at him. Lan Wangji took the opportunity to hold his hands while walking towards the Xianle Palace. It had come to a point where Lan Wangji visits the heavenly emperor– Xie Lian atleast every week and both Hua Cheng and Xie lian were used to it.

By the roll of the dice, the two were at the balcony, seeing the couple (Hualian) facing their back towards them. Lan Wangji went to the couple

"Your highness, Hua Chengzu." The two turned around and saw the boy "Oh wangji, I apologize as we didn't heard you come in. What's wrong dear?" Said Xie Lian. "I have a surprise for the both of you"

"A surprise? Thats new?" Hua Cheng added. "Now now san lang, whats this surprise your talking about wangji?"

Wangji looked back and nodded as a signal. The face of the couple went from calm to speechless when they saw the familiar boy in front walking towards them.

"A-ying? Is t-that you..?" Xie Lin asked, lifting his hand to touch the youngers cheeks. Hua Ying leaned to the touch and smiled at his father. "Oh A-ying.." Xie Lian immediately hugged his son giving butterfly kisses to his cheeks "thank you god.." Hua Ying looked to the other side to his A-die. "A-die..?"

"Ying-er.." Hua Cheng was doing his best to not cry. He walked towards his son and engulfed him into a bone crushing hug. "Oh god, A-die dont cry!"

"I'm not.. I'm so sorry my son, im sorry im sorry" he kept repeating those words over and over. "A-die stop apologizing. What you did in the past is now in the past, and you did that for the better of mine. I wished I listened to you but instead I didn't. I'm the one whose sorry. I'm sorry baba and adie.. i miss you both"

The three hugged eachother in warmness. "Come on lan zhan!" Lan Wangji smiled and shooked his head no "I'm not taking no for an answer" said hua cheng and pulled him in the family hug. Hua Ying giggled and hugged everyone tightly. "I wish this would last forever.."

Last forever? What do you mean a-ying?

"Wangji!" Lan Wangji snapped out of his gaze when he heard his brother calling out his 2nd name. "I apologize brother." "There you are! What happened to you?" Lan Wangji couldn't answer the question so he looked down at his phone. Lan Xichrn sighed "you look stressed, go for a rest brother. I have to go now."


Exiting the Coffee shop, Lan Wangji just finished drinking his coffee and brought his books to past his time when all of a sudden a boy caught wangjis eyes. The boy with black pants and a black and red cardigan with headphones on his ears passed Lan Wangji.

Lan Wangji then turned back to see the boy and a paper flew out his pocket in his cardigan.

Sanren Ying.


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