Ch. 30 Golden Promises

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Chapter 30

"Wei wuxian!"

"Lan wang ji!"

"It's dangerous please!" "I love you Lan Zhan."

The other didn't hear it. "Wait! No!-"

Hua Ying cut off the communication as he leaned back to the rock and grabbed the necklace Lan Wangji had given to him and kissed it. "By heaven's official blessing, no paths are bound."

He then started to fight back against Bai Wuxiang in close-combat. Swords clashing against each other leaving the surroundings covered in dust.

"Just give up Hua Xianle and join me."

"Shut up and make me."


While fighting there was a familiar sword— scimitar to be exact, that intervened their fight. 'E-ming?' Hua Ying thought. But that didn't stop him and continued to fight his opponent.

As his energy was dropping low, he didn't give up. "Admit it Hua Xianle, I'm stronger than you so give up once and for all."
"I'm not scared like you." And disappeared in front of Bai Wuxiang. And was met with the Family. "Aww a family reunion? How cute. Too bad one or all of you will die." And started targeting them all.


Hua Xianle has appeared once again and starts fighting alongside his family. His father looked at him proudly and smiled sadly. He's all grown now.. and continued to fight. All 3 of them.




Bai wuxiang is finally defeated.

The mist blocking everyone's sight is finally clearing up. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian looked at eachother and began searching for their son.

He was there standing looking at the ground.

"A-ying...?" Both parents called out for their son. The sun was now rising in the east.

"Wei Ying?" The Lan spoke up. Blood stained his robes. The boy in red and black looked up and smiled at all of them and mouthed
"thank you" before collapsing.

Lan wang ji was the closest to him and catched him on time. Hua cheng and Xie Lian hurried over to the two and both held either hua ying's cheeks or hands. "A-die.. baba.. are you proud of me?"

"I'm more than proud of you my baby.. we are more proud than we could ever be" Said Xie Lian and cried while leaning his forehead to his son's hand.

"A-die..?" Hua Cheng was forced not to cry as he needs to be strong for their family. "Oh A-ying. My son. A-die was always so proud of you. You've come so far.. won't you stay with baba and a-die and play with us like you always do? We'll play your favorite hide and seek, eat your favorite foods, hide from your baba's calligraphy lessons, play catch..?"

"Soon A-die.. please wait for me and we'll be together as a family once again.."

The red and black kid looks back at the man who catched him. "Lan zhan.." "wei ying.. stay" Wei Ying smiled and felt his time is near. He looked deeply in the others eyes and weakly told the other.

"_ ____ __."

The Lan, hugging the boy close, soon vanished into thousands of golden butterflies. "No no no.. A-ying! Please don't leave me!" His mother– xie lian, pleaded. History repeats itself. Hua Cheng can't bear his husband pleading for his son to come back and how his son disappeared— hugged his husband and cried with him.

Lan Wangji's breath hitched and cried "Happy Birthday my Wei Ying"




Time skip to 5 years later

The Lanling Jin was now ruled by Jin Zixuan. The cultivation world was now peaceful. The Remnants of history was written down. But the Hua Manor wasn't the same anymore. The couple kept hoping. Hoping so badly that their son will come back. Same as the Lan.


It was a peaceful afternoon when Lan Wangji was walking when a yellow-ish gold butterfly with white dots flew across them leaving a memory.

Lan wangji always thought of wei ying whenever there's a butterfly who passes by. A butterfly means "loving someone who's suicidal."

"Wei ying.. I'll be here. Waiting for you. I promise."


Adjusting into the light, he opens his eyes revealing a very bright light. "Wangji? Oh my gosh Wangji you're awake! Doctor!"

"W-where's Wei Ying?" Lan Xichen, confused, asked "Wei Ying? Do you know him?" Lan Wangji now halfly in his senses.. "Wei Ying.. he-he died in my arms 5 years ago.. did he came back for me o-or did he-"

"Calm down wangji. we'll find this wei ying person. Just rest for now." "but brother, you know him."

"Wangji, It's better if you rest for now. You had just woken up from a 5 year coma. "


Thank y'all for reading my first ever story published here on wattpad! I can't believe I actually finished it. I apologize for the long wait because of the stress of acads and family problems I have encountered. And I also apologize for the grammar and the way I ended this series suddenly because I do not want everyone to wait anylonger.

Anyways I want to thank everyone who supported my story and Happy New year (And Happy chinese new year!) More stories to come!

The End of Golden promises Hua Ying
(or is it?)


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