"I'm gonna head home." You say, standing up abruptly, "tell them I wasn't feeling well."

Ben doesn't even have a chance to tell you to wait. You've already slipped out the patio door. He runs a hand through his hair and sighs.

One thought is on his mind. That everything is ruined now.

(A/n both of them are so dramatic like pls calm down)


Leia and Han don't fail to notice both your absence and Ben's tense demeanour.

"Don't tell me you couldn't go ten minutes without fighting." Han says sternly.

"We didn't fight." Ben answers hastily. Too hastily.

"Then what happened?" Han continues to grill him.

"She wasn't feeling well." Ben replies, quickly growing annoyed at his father's incessant questioning.

"Go check up on her." Leia says.

(A/N she knows exactly what she's doing)

You pace around your living room, and don't know what to do. So, you rifle through your drawers for your old vape from high school. Nicotine hit would be nice right now.

Just as you begin inhaling it, you hear a knock on your door. You assume it's Leia checking up on you, so you open the door while holding the vape behind your back. As you see Ben's face, you breath our, with a cough that smells like bubblegum.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ben asks, grabbing your arm, yanking you towards him and finding the vape you were hiding. He snatches it out of your hands and walks over to the sink, turning on the tap and tossing it in.

"Hey!" You say, "that's a criminal offence."

"Vaping should be one."


You roll your eyes and cross your arms. "What are you doing here?"

"I," he pauses, "didn't want things to end like that."

"Like what?"

"I think you might've gotten the wrong idea."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Things were finally okay. I don't want anything to change."

Your stomach drops.

"So I'm a two and done?"

"Last I remember, you said just once."

Well, yes, but you wanted more

"Fine. Then make the most of it." You say, beginning to take off your clothes.

(A/N she is SUCH a hoe)

But before you can, Ben stops you, grabbing your wrists. "You don't need to do that to make me stay."

A man who'd decline sleeping with you? You didn't know one like that even existed.

"I'm gonna shower. Make yourself comfortable." You tell him, before pulling away and leaving to the bathroom.

As you turn on the water, Ben sits on the couch and pulls out his phone. Leia has sent only one text.

Mom: ?
Ben: she's feeling sick still.
Mom: stay and take care of her.

Ben doesn't bother replying. As he reaches for the remote, he hears a loud thud and you cursing. Without another thought, he opens the door to the bathroom, and consequently the curtain. He probably should've asked, but really he was worried you hurt yourself.

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