Chapter 7

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I didn't edit this I'm pretty sure there's spelling mistakes sorry bbgs

The three left at the dinner table look at each other.

"I think you were too harsh." Leia says.

"No, Mom," Ben says, "you were too easy on her. She's turned into a spoilt brat."

"She is not my daughter. I didn't raise her."

"You let her get away with so much shit! She should've been suspended when she beat that kid up at school."

"I was quite proud." Han says.

"Dad! How can you say that after what she just said?"

"Ben, you should be acting more mature." Leia says.

"What are you talking about? She's the one acting like a child."

"Last I heard you said some harsh words to her in your bedroom. You are no angel, Ben."

"I was nice tonight and that's how she acts?"

"You had a tone." Leia mutters.

"What tone?"

"Ben, it doesn't matter." Han says.

"I think she deserves an apology." Leia says.

The two men look at her, faces reading wtf.

"She knows we're not allowed to talk about Ben's service in this household." Jan says, defending his son.

Leia sighs. "The girl has gone through enough. Go apologize, Ben."

"Oh, and I haven't gone through shit either?"

"I didn't say that." Leia replies.

"Im not apologizing."

"You kids should make up at least. I hate to see you apart." Leia says.

"Why should I?" Ben says.

"She's nearly your sister." Han says.

"I don't think a sister should have a big fat crush on her brother." He stands up, and leaves to his room before his parents can get in another word.

(A/n waydsb vibes)
You drown yourself in work, taking care of the kids. It's August now, and you take many trips to the splash park and beach. You leave the baby behind with mum as she's too young for that.

Your strange relationship with Toro continues. You wouldn't call him your boyfriend, more of a glorified fuck buddy. You avoid thinking of Ben as much as you can. The mere thought of him makes your stomach churn.

That, and you're so embarrassed. More embarrassed than when you tried to kiss him. The outburst at dinner was perhaps the most humiliating thing, and you don't even want to think about what they said when you left. It's like in that moment you fell back into that mindset when you were young. The development of your brain turned backwards and you were awful. You'll blame it on your temper. The minute you get angry you lose all sense of control and rational thought.

So, you escape. Leia texted, and you couldn't leave her on read so you simply explained that work is crazy at the moment. She knew that wasn't it. But didn't say anything.

When you told Finn about what happened he wanted to smack some sense into you.

An awfully hot day comes and of course, the AC breaks. The little boy cries that he wants to go to the beach and you try to explain that sissy is too young for that at a few months old.

Mum, working from home, is not having it.

"I can't focus!" She says with an annoyed look on her face.

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