Chapter 2

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Ben isn't there when you graduate, and you don't blame him. He's deployed, and after the shit you pulled last summer you wouldn't be there either.

Han and Leia, chill as ever, didn't hold it against you either. They don't hold grudges or butt into other peoples conflicts either. At the end of the day, they love you like their own, and that's what you feel when they take pictures of you in your cap and gown, and tell you how proud they are of you.

After graduating, you planned on getting a bachelors degree, until you learned how much you hated school. So, you chose the shortest course you could find, which ended up being ECE assistant.

You did, however, find working at a daycare is a nightmare. Luckily, a couple down the street was in need of a nanny, and you were hired immediately.

You got paid very well, because they asked for you to work a few nights- which you thought was great, you'd have the whole day free.

What you didn't expect was waking every 3 hours to a crying baby while Mom and Dad slept.

Somehow, three whole years pass by, and before you know its 2020 and you're taking care of a 3 year old when-

"We're pregnant!"

"Wow," you say, "I'm so happy for you!"

And your raise.

A wrench of sorts is thrown in your plan when the global pandemic comes out of nowhere.

You thought you'd be fired, but no, those two are workaholics and you are working just as many hours as before. The shifts aren't too bad 8-4, weekends off.

Covid is weird. Your bubble is that family, your parents, and Han and Leia. And Finn, who is still your best friend. Best friend with a boyfriend 10 years his senior.

Thanks to the lockdown, your dating life is nonexistent.

A year later they lift, and it's quite fitting. You have your days free, as the little boy you take care of starts preschool, and the baby comes and you're on night shift while his mom is on mat leave.

The first night home, you realize that he was an angel and this baby seems to wake constantly through the night, and is colicky in the evenings. You sleep in a room adjacent to the nursery, quite literally, there is no door and they're connected.

You are making bank, and you suppose being a hot shot lawyer pays well because they are able to afford you while she's on mat leave.

You end up working 3 nights and 2 days a week, because she struggles with the baby during the day. You're surprised, because she's an absolute angel during the day compared to the night.

Money is money, and you'd prefer this to a daycare.

On one of your free days, you meet someone. Finn invites you out with his boy toy, Poe.

You like Poe, they fit. You were a little sus about the age gap at first, but Finn is legal now.

You didn't expect to meet someone that night, because who meets people at bars nowadays?

He's handsome and funny and you've been single far too long. Perhaps the one downside of not having a normal university experience. At least you won't be saddled with student loans.

It just so happens that your employer surprises you with a two week vacation thanks to the grandparents coming to help out.

He's busy with work, but only in the evenings, so you spend your days together.

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