The First Weekend Back

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     When I wake up, the first thing I do is immediately start writing to my mother.

   Dear Mum,
          It's only the first week and
     already so much has changed. I
     knew it would never be the same,
     but it's still hard getting used to
     you know? But get this mum, the
     new Professor called me out and
     made me stay after class. He said it
     was for my "attitude". Whatever.
     But... he did say I was Severus'
     favorite. Anyways, that's all for
     now. I love and miss you lots.
     Hope to hear back from you soon.

~ Your loving daughter, Jaqueline.

      I start to tear up as I finish my letter and send it off with Ollie.

     I was walking downstairs to the Great Hall alone when two familiar heads of blonde hair turn the corner, almost crashing into me. "Hey Jaqueline" Bri smiles. "We should get food, I'm hungry as fuck."

The three of us walk gracefully into the Great Hall, scanning the room. "No sign of Harry and the others" I say as we walk over to a half empty table. I groan slightly putting my head on the table in front of me. "Ugh. We need to study all of year 2 for next week. I really don't want to, can't I just sleep all day?" Bri side eyes me. "Yes Jaqueline. You can just sleep all day." Rolling my eyes I smile "I wish it were that simple"

Whilst eating my breakfast I noticed a strange feeling of calm wash over the room. I look over to the professors table to see Professor Reid isn't sitting in Snape's usual seat. My mind immediately wonders. 'Where could he be? What could he possibly be doing when he has all of Snape's notes?' Draco must've sensed the anger building up in me and speaks. "Professor Reid must be cleaning cauldrons in his office or something." I immediately shoot daggers at Draco. If looks could kill, he would've been dead in a heartbeat. "Sorry Jaqueline, Snape's office" he looks down sadly. I relax slightly, not wanting to upset Draco.

I finish my breakfast trying not to let my curiousity get the better of me. To my dismay, I lose that battle. Looking at both Bri and Draco I smile, "I'll see you guys later, I'm going to start my studying." Returning the smile they nod, still talking and eating together.

I start heading in the direction Dungeons. Out of the corner of my eyes I notice one of the old hidden tunnels. I decided it would be best to go that way in case anyone saw me snooping. As I walk I think to myself, 'Why do I care so much about his whereabouts?'

Walking up to the door of the potions classroom, I put a careful ear up to it. CRASH. Clattering arose from the room before I hear him sigh. "Severus... I can't do this. I'll never live up to your legacy. I need your help!" Another sigh escapes his lips. "I really with you were here Sev..."

I choke back a small sob and quickly slap a hand over my mouth. I put my ear back up to the door. Silence. Suddenly the door swings open with such force, I fall into the room and at his feet. I look up at him like a deer in headlights. Composing myself, I stand before him. "Ms. Banks what are you—" I panic and cut him off with the only words that will come to mind. "What do you mean I was his favorite?" I blurt out nervously. He straightens his back and sighs, his eyes softening. "Come in."

Taking a few steps in, he guesture me to "his" desk. I pull up a chair and fiddle with my fingers. "You were his best student as you may know." I nod, not yet ready to meet his eyes. "And," he continues, "you reminded him of Lily." I freeze, the room ringing with a heavy silence. Finally, I look up at him. "W-what do you mean I reminded him of Lily?" I choke out. His face softens. "Well," he sits down across from me, "he told me you were smart, kind, inclusive of all beings. He told me you stood up for people..." He leans in and lowers his voice. "And he told me he thought you were beautiful."

     The tears I'd been holding back spill over as I sobbed uncontrollably. 'I loved him so much and there may have been a chance he felt the same way? And now he's gone...' Professor Reid's expression changed slightly for a second before he speaks again. "He did love you Jaqueline. You were the first since Lily." I sniffle and wipe my tear stricken eyes. Between sobs I try to reply. "I d-didn't realize you-you were so close to him-m." He looks away, a small tear trails down his cheek. I feel a strange tug at my heartstrings upon seeing his emotions come out. "He was my best friend for many years..." he trails off slightly. "But I was a muggle born so he kind of... left me, until Voldemort went into hiding. Luckily, we got very close again after that. That's how I know so much about you." He leans in further. "And he was right you know." I look at him puzzled as he pulls out a piece of parchment, handing it to me. "You are very smart. Only perfect score in the entire class." I bounce in my seat a little and beam at him. Even though I studied, I never thought after all this time I would get a perfect grade, let alone on my first assignment!

     "Now," his tone shifts slightly, "I would like to ask a favor from you Ms. Banks." His voice changes to a more serious tone. "Would you be willing to do after class teaching lessons with me? It would really help show me the ropes. You were his best student after all." I shift awkwardly in my seat. 'Should I help him? He does remind me of Severus in a way. I need to think about this...' He leans back in his chair. "Take some time to think about it Jaqueline, you don't have to answer now." He smiles. My brow furrows for a second in thought. 'Did I say that out loud?' I clear my throat. "Yes sir" I squeak out.

     His entire demeanor changes as the words left my mouth. Odd. He tenses slightly, clearing his throat. "Good. Now, off you go then." I nod slightly, narrowing my eyes a smidge. "Yes sir" I repeat, seeing if I'll receive the same reaction. Closing his eyes he takes a deep breath in. With his eyes still closed he nods, wetting his lips slightly. Double odd.


     I walk out of the dungeons and straight into the library to think (and possibly study). I stay in there awhile as my thoughts race around in my head. 'Severus loved me? Professor Reid needs my help? And why did he react like that at the end? Who is Professor Reid?' My thoughts are interrupted by the chime of the dinner bell. '7:00pm?! I'm late for Dinner! How have I gotten zero studying done in three hours?!'

     I race down the corridors until I reach the elegant doors of the Great Hall. I quietly slip inside, hoping not to draw too much attention to my tardiness.

     I quickly find a seat with Hermione and Ginny who were looking aimlessly around the room until their eyes landed on me. "Jaqueline! Where have you been for the last three hours?" Hermione slaps my arm as she speaks. Before I have time to answer, Ginny quickly chimes in. "Yeah, you had us worried sick!" I laughed at their dramatics. "Relax guys, I just went to see Professor Reid..." Suddenly I get very coy. They both stare at me in complete shock. I subconsciously look over at the professors table. I catch the faintest glimpse of Professor Reid looking at me, deep in thought before I'm taken abruptly out of my trance. "Helloooo, earth to Jaqueline."I snap my attention back to the girls. "Anyways, I thought you hated Professor Reid." I rack my brain for an acceptable answer, but I really haven't one. "I guess I just felt like I needed answers from him" I say before I take a nonchalant bite of my roast beef. Ginny shakes her head, unconvinced. "Uh uh. That does sound like you. Confrontational? In your dreams Jaq." She things hard for moment then suddenly gasps, "You were snooping!" I blush, slightly embarrassed at how well she can see through me. "Fine! Yes I was snooping, and he caught me..." everyone at the table exchanged shocked and confused looks.  Finally, Ron and Harry join us at the table.

     As the boys sit, Ron loudly asks, "Snooping? Snooping on who?" The rest of the table shushes him as he puts his hands up in surrender. "Apparently, Jaqueline was snooping on the new Professor" Hermione quietly hisses at Ron. Him and Harry look at each other in utter confusion, not asking any further questions. Turning my attention back to the professors table, I eye him intently. 'I need to know more about him and Severus. More importantly, what Severus thought of me.'

     We all finish dinner, the others heading to the common room, only stopping once they realize I wasn't following. "Jaqueline aren't you coming?" Harry yelled to me. I thought for a moment before remembering the favor Professor Reid asked of me. "Yeah I'll catch up with you guys later. I'm just going to take a walk and clear my head a bit." Hermione and Ginny, exchanging worried knowing glances, nod at me. I start to walk off as I hear Ginny's voice ring out towards me. "Jaqueline." I turn to see her smiling cheekily. "Don't do anything stupid." And with a wink she walks off with the group to the common room, leaving me to my thoughts.

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