Training Week (Pt. 2)

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     I woke up the next morning in his silky black sheets, his arms still wrapped tightly around my small frame. As I lazily rub the sleep out of my eyes, the memories of last night trickle slowly into my mind.

     As I begin putting the pieces together, he stirs. Not knowing what to do I race out of the room before he could notice my absence. Closing the door behind me I release the breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

     I flop onto my bed as my mind races. "Oh my God did I have sex with my Professor and Co-Worker??" I whisper to myself. I know it wasn't quite sex but what else do you call our extracurricular activities?

     To clear my thoughts I jump into a nice hot shower. The roaring water cleansing my mind of the white noise as it rolls of my body, allowing me to think clearly.

     'I-I'm his Amortentia. He, he loves me.'

     I repeat those last three words over and over in my head until, '...And I love him.' I sigh loudly, "Boy this is going to be an awkward year."

     Stepping out of the shower and into the cool air, I put on a black silk robe and brush my wet hair. As I'm applying a vitamin serum to my face, I heard a knock at my door.

     I open it in nothing but my robe and dripping wet hair. "Ms., erm—" he clears his throat, unable to take his eyes off me. "Goodmorning Daniel, sleep well?" I tease slightly. "Uh. Ahem.  Ms. Banks, you are late to our lesson." My face goes slightly pale. 'Uh oh'. "I suggest you put some clothes on and meet me in the classroom in five minutes. Am I understood?" My cheeks heat up, I didn't mean to be late. "Yes sir. My apologies." Giving me one final look over he nods, breathing heavier and taking his leave.

     I let out a breath. Boy am I glad he handled that professionally. I genuinely didn't know how to react to our... from last night. I quickly finish dressing myself and decide to let my hair air dry as I race out to the classroom.

     "Sit. We've already wasted enough time." Doing as he says I sit at the front table, ingredients from year six splayed out in front of me. Ginger root, scarabs, newt spleens, armadillo bile, and more all neatly layed on on the table.

     "As you know, 6th year is the year of the O.W.L's," he pauses, "There is too much to cover in one day so we will only be covering the ones on the O.W.L's themselves. I trust you to know the rest." Walking over to me he hands me a list.


     "Starting with Felix Felicis, what ingredients are necessary to brew such potion?" Racking my brain I begin pointing to ingredients on the table. "Ashwinder egg, squill bulb, tincture of thyme," my eyes work quickly, identifying ingredients left and right. "Um, murlap tentacles, occomy eggshell and..." Unable to think off the top of my head, my eyes search desperately around the table for the answer. Nothing. After the hundredth look over of the table it hits me. "Oh! And powdered common rue" I scan the table, "But it doesn't appear to be on the table." I raise an accusatory eyebrow at him.

     He smirks, "Clever girl". He paces slowly, getting slightly closer to me. "And what are the five steps for brewing 'Draught of Living Death'?" Mischief in his eyes he leans closer, eagerly awaiting my response.

     "Well, the six steps," he smirks at me, "Are: one, add infusion of wormwood. Two, add powdered root of asphodel. Three, stir clockwise. Four, add the sloth brain. Five, add the sopophorous bean's juice. And six, stir exactly seven times anti-clockwise."

     I look up at him, a small smile tugging at my lips. "Right again Ms. Banks. And how long does it take to brew a Polyjuice potion?" he asks leaning in even more. I eye him knowingly. "Easy one, one month" I beam. His eyes flash devilishly. "Why?"

     I sit in thought for a moment, thinking back to Severus' class. "Well... fluxweed can only be picked during a full moon, and I believe the lacewing flies need to be stewed for 21 days?" Suddenly his facial expression becomes unreadable. "Do not ask as if it were a question Ms. Banks. You're a teacher now." I flinch hanging my head slightly, "Yes sir" I mutter, emabarrassed.

     His eyes linger on my sad frame for a moment before turning his back to me. "What is the 10th step in brewing a successful Laughing Potion?" My nerves settle in, any confidence I once had, shattered. Unwilling to disappoint him again I choose my next words carefully. "Step ten, shave your puffskein and scatter hair over the surface of the potion." He turns to face me, leaning in slightly "Correct again. Last question." His eyes are now ablaze with an emotion I can't quite out my finger on. Leaning in real close he allows the tension to linger between us for just a moment. Finally, he whispers in my ear, "What is the exact brew time for a 'Memory Potion'?"

     I freeze. I remember Snape joking about this potion with me, but I can't remember a thing about it. "U-uh um two minutes" I say as my entire body tenses up; not only from the question, but from his deep and devilish voice in my ear. "Incorrect". He slinks away coolly, leaving me cold in his absence.

     "The correct answer is two minutes and fifteen seconds." I stare at him, mouth agape. "Brew me a memory potion."

     Flustered panic sets in as I realize the task at hand. Quickly, I gather all the the necessary ingredients that I can remember off the top of my head and begin prepping my cauldron. "Your time officially begins now. Good luck" he says enchantingly.

     I quickly begin by adding the Jabberknoll feathers to the boiling water, stirring after thirty seconds exactly to make sure all of the feather are properly mixed and there are no areas of higher concentration. "One minute left" he calls out. Gathering the rest of the ingredients I put them in in order and by time, finishing in exactly two minutes and fifteen seconds. "Time".

     Daniel hovers over my cauldron for a moment examining it. "Looks a bit dark... but acceptable. Though I do expect more from my brightest student" he winks. "Are you prepared to drink it?" Tensing up a bit I nod, knowing this would probably be the case. Taking the ladle I scoop up the liquid and bring it to my lips.

     As the potion begins to take effect, my eyes widen with the intensity of holding this much knowledge; it gives me a headache. "Now" Daniel starts, "What were you wearing October 24th of your third year?" My brain scans my memories like a computer. "It was a weekend. I was wearing red plaid corset top, a black cardigan, a black skirt with fishnet stockings, and black army boots." I pause for a moment, thinking of anything else. "I know it isn't clothing but I'd also like to make a point that I was wearing a black shocker and matching garter." I blush slightly remembering my e-girl phase.

     "Wow! I didn't know that memory even lived inside my head still!" Walking over to me he leans on the desk. "Excellent" he coos.

     We sit there in the tension for a moment, drinking in each others presence whilst radiating desire.

     Eventually he clears his throat. "While this potion is still in effect, why don't we take advantage and practice for the ball." My heart leaps into my throat, my anxiety palpable. "Yeah, that's probably wise. We haven't practiced since the first night" a nervous laugh squeaks out of me.

     He slowly inches forward, staring deeply into my eyes whilst grabbing my hand. Slowly and delicately he snakes his arm around my waist, whispering in my ear "Follow my lead". His gaze softens slightly, "And don't be shy, I've got you" he winks. Swooning I nod, taking his lead.

     We follow each step in perfect unison; the potion was working! Towards the end of the dance he dips me and, in the moment, the world just washes away to absolute nothing. We were just here, in the moment together.

     He pulls me back up from the dip, the attraction between us growing heavier. His eyes flick from mine, to my lips, tension building more and more. Looking back to me he tucks a stray hair behind my ear and within seconds, I feel his soft lips pressed firmly to mine.

     Our lips dance around each other hungrily; the passion between us so fiery, so raw. Suddenly the door swings open and Minerva walks in. "Daniel I was just— Oh, oh my."

The New Potions ProfessorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora