Veritaserum and Amortentia

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I arrive at the Potions room at exactly 9:00am; not wanting to start this morning any earlier than I have to. Anxiety creeps up in my stomach as I sit before him.

     "Hmm almost late today?" I tense slightly remembering the last time I was late. "Shall we begin with the love potion?" Daniel coaxes. I nod, words refusing to cross my lips.

     He sets down a small vile in front of me along with a quill, ink, and parchment. "Due to the intensity of todays lessons, we will be taking notes on the effects. Let's start out easy. He opens the little vial of pink liquid and holds it out to me. "Now," he leans in closer, "What do you smell?"

     Slowly I lean forward, hesitant to draw in a breath. Finally, taking a big inhale I wrack my brain for the key elements of the aroma. "I smell... Parchment, a burning fire, applewood, pomade, and... a hint of coffee?"

     Though his expression remains stoic, his eyes tell a different story. They twinkle with curiosity and intrigue. "Sh-should I write that down?" He nods sliding the parchment towards me, never taking his eyes off of me.

     After writing down my answers I cheekily pass the parchment towards him with a smirk. "Your turn." He cocks his head and raises an eyebrow at me quizzically. "I mean it's only fair" I say drawling out my words and batting my eyelashes.

     Rolling his eyes, he swiftly scoops the vile into his palm. He shoots me a look as if to say 'Are you sure?'. I nod a bit too eagerly. Taking a whiff  he thinks for a moment before grabbing the parchment and scribbling something down

     After what felt like like an eternity, he passes back the parchment without a word and disappears into the potions and ingredients closet. With nervous hands, I pick up the parchment and read in his neat print:

          – VANILLA SUGAR
          – KIWI
          – BLOOMS

     Before continuing the lesson I allow my eyes to scan the page, making a mental note of that for later.

     Moments after, he appears back in front of me with a serious look on his face. In his hand, another small vile. "This is the antidote to Amortentia. You are you take the love potion, allow it to take effect for precisely five minutes, then you are to take the antidote." He lifts my chin to look him directly in his eyes. "Do you understand?" I nod nervously.

     Giving me a remorseful, apologetic look he passed me the antidote. Hesitantly, I grab it. "Before I do," I whisper, "I want to apologize in advance for anything I may say or um... do." Chuckling he puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Trust me. I understand the effect of Amortentia greatly. I know it isn't really you in there." For a brief moment his eyes flash an emotion I can only describe as... disappointment perhaps?

     With a shaking hand I take the vile to my lips and drink, making a note on the parchment at what time I took it. Soon my body begins to tingle and heat up rapidly. Seconds later my memory blacks out.

                     ~Daniel's POV~

     I watch as the potion begins to take its effect on her. Her cheeks are starting to heat up and she won't stop staring at me. "Jaqueline? How do you feel?" Giggling she stands from her chair, unbottoning her top button of her dress shirt. Soon she's up on my desk crawling towards me. "I'm feeling hot and bothered Professor." She says, stopping in front of me. Swinging her legs over my desk, she hops off the desk and onto my chair... straddling me!

     I try to keep my composer as she leans in, allowing me to inhale her perfume. My eyes widen as the realization hits me like a ton of Potion books. 'My Amortentia. It's her perfume! It's... her.' I slowly try to process this information as her body is still on top of mine. In a moment of weakness, my body gives in to her. She leans in to kiss me and I let her; hell I kissed her back!

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