The 3 Broomsticks

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"Two hot butterbeers please" I say excitedly to the young looking witch behind the counter. Daniel eyes me curiously, but I put my hand up before he can protest. "Hey, you got me a cauldron. This is the least I could do." He sighs before nodding slowly in defeat, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

     The barista hands me our drinks as Daniel starts to lead me towards a somewhat more private table. "I thought we'd go somewhere a bit quieter so we can better hear each other" he drawled. My gaze softens as he pulls my chair out for me. Cheeks ablaze, I utter out a pathetic "Thank you" as he laughs at my awkwardness.

     "So," I start, "How has your holiday been so far?" He takes a thoughtful sip of his butterbeer before speaking. "Not bad. My uh," he gets all weird for a moment, "My ex wife went on vacation so I got my kids for a week. Took them to see Star Wars with me." My eyes immediately lit up. "Merlin I forgot you were muggleborn too! I-I absolutely love Star Wars!" A small spark glistens in his eye as he leans in, eyes staring deeply into mine. "Really now? I didn't  know that of you." My heart melts in his gaze. "Yeah" I chuckle, still feeling a bit awkward. "I like to think my dad raised me right. I feel like I was raised in a totally different generation."

     Laughing and catching up I get a buzz as my alarm goes off on my watch. "My my, 8:00pm already? We should probably see ourselves off then" he sighs, not yet wanting to leave. Reluctantly he stands and extends a curtious hand to me. Taking it, I get up and walk with him towards the door.

     "It has been wonderful catching up with you... Jaqueline." I shiver slightly, every nerve in my body abuzz with electricity. The way he says my name causes my balance to slightly falter. My balance steadies as he pulls me in for a goodbye hug and rubs my back caringly. "Until next time. Enchantée" he says, slowly pulling away until he has apparated into nothing.


     As I enter my muggle apartment, my mother can immediately sense the buzzing excitement raidiating off of me. Yelling out from behind the kitchen wall, "Soo how was shopping love?" I smile, biting my tongue lightly as I often do when excited. "Oh it was lovely Ma! I got some new robes, an old book on curses and counter curses, I got to see George Weasley at work, and um..." My nerves start to kick in. "I got a new cauldron." My mom has always been strict on how I spend my money; I can't say I'm not scared by how she'll react.

Walking into the living room she eyes my giddy smile and anxious demeanor analytically. "And how, pray tell, did you afford a new cauldron? Hmm?" Unable to control my excitement any longer, I burst into a huge grin and squeal a little. "Welllll," I sing, "I was looking at this beautiful cauldron that caught my eye when... someone... came up behind me and complimented my taste." She shakes her head and smiles knowingly. "Mhm, and who might that someone be?" In a surge of joy I blurt out loudly, "Daniel Reid! It was Professor Reid!" I bounce giddily in my spot. "He said it was a great choice and very powerful, then just took it right up to the counter and bought it for me as a welcoming gift!" Getting slightly coy, my bouncing subsides. "Then, he offered me to join him for a butterbeer. I bought him one as a thank you for his kind gesture. It was the least I could do considering the price he paid." I smile sheepishly yet still excitedly.

     Her smile drops slightly. "How much was it?" She hisses. Immediately my body freezes is its place, beads of sweat accumulating on my forehead. "Um... fifty galleons" I murmur in a hushed whisper. "FIFTY GALLEONS?!" She howls. "Christ on a bike! That better be one magical ass cauldron." I wince slightly but nod. "I promise, it was worth it!" I pull the little cauldron and it's matching holder out of the bag. "See?" She eyes the little black and gold thing. "And he said it's a good one?"  She says raising an eyebrow at me. "Yes ma'am."

After a long moment of her processing the information, she just gives me a look and laughs. "You are such a Goomba!" Goomba was always our little nickname for when one of us was being a cute goofball. I playfully push her arm. "Hey! I actually really like him, a-as a mentor of course" I add, trying to sound less like a hopeless romantic. Mum sees right through my lies and rolls her eyes. "Yeah. Okay."

I head to my room and start unboxing everything I got from the store, putting it neatly in my trunk. 'I have one week before I begin my first job as a real witch!' Anxiously, I begin reopening the care package I've received from work and organize it accordingly.

The rest of my last week was spent preparing myself for my first week of training. Checking off everything in my packing list, I spend the rest of my free time with my mother before having to say goodbye for awhile. Working at Hogwarts means having to live there part time. I'll admit it's hard being away from my mother, she's my best friend, but I just can't wait to start my career!

On my last day Mum makes me breakfast, eating with me while we watch our favorite muggle show. While taking our last bites of food, she turns to me. "It's almost 8:00am, you don't want to be late now. It's a long ride from Manchester Piccadilly to London Kings Cross. There's only one early train so... you don't want to miss it" she sniffles. Her eyes begin to well up with tears. Pushing my hair out of my face she says, "Look at my little girl, so grown. I'm so proud of you." Kissing my forehead, she walks me out to my car, giving me the biggest momma bear hug. Holding my face in her hands she looks at me with a sad smile. "I'll see you on holiday love. It'll be here before you know it." I tear up and hug her one last time, burying my face in her chest. With a quick kiss on the cheek, we say our goodbyes as I head off to Kings Cross Station. There I begin my journey as a Professor in training!

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