Family Day pt.1

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Hort woke up and looked at the calendar.... family day. "Family day..." hort said sadly.  "WAKE UP NEVERS! Today is family day,  so there's no classes. Remember, if your parents don't show up, you can ask the professors to be your parents for the day. Have a miserable day, and make me proud!" Lesso yelled on speakers. Another year, another year, he won't be there. Hort thought to himself.

Hester woke up to lesso yelling on the intercoms about family day. "Another year, again," Hester said, getting dressed. "Wait, so our parents come to visit us here?" Sophie asked. "Yes, but if your parents don't show, you can ask the professors to be your parents for the day." Hester answered, rolling her eyes. "So, have your parents ever come to these?" Sophie asked. "Nope." Hester said, walking out of the dorm. "I wouldn't talk about family in front of Hester, not since the fire..." Dot said. "What fire?" Sophie asked. "Have you read hansel and gretel?" Dot asked. "Yeah, why?" Sophie asked. "Her mom was the witch." Dot said, walking off. "Oh, shit... I definitely shouldn't have said that," Sophie said to herself in the empty room.

Gregor's walked into the school for good, not knowing what happened to him. "Excuse me, young girl, do you know Gregor charming is?" Cinderella asked Agatha. "Ummm.... you might want to ask Professor Dovey...." Agatha said, smiling awkwardly. "Ok?" Cinderella said as she basically dragged Prince charming up to Clarissa's office. Cinderella knocks on the door. "Come in!" Clarissa said in a happy tone. "It's me, ella!" Cinderella said, walking in to Clarissa's office. Clarissa's face went from happy to scared. "Oh, ella..... what brings you here on this day with your husband?!" Clarissa asked, panicked.
"Is it obvious I'm here for family day. I want to see how hard my son has been working!" Ella said. "Oh..." Clarissa said,  smiling awkwardly. "So where is my son?" Ella asked. "Ummmm.... you see...." Clarissa started. "Where is he, dovey?" Ella asked again. "He ummmm, he-- ummm- uhhhhh," Clarissa said, sweat dripping down from her head. "Where is he, Clarissa?" Ella voice became crazier. Prince charming started to fall asleep on the side of the door. "He's ummmm uhhhhh," Clarissa said. "Clarissa.... where is my son?!" Ella's voice got more angry.  "He may have failed 3 times then got killed by King's Arthur's son...." Clarissa said, closing her eyes. "WHAT?!" Ella yelled, waking her sleeping husband. "I'm sorry, Ella, I really am...." Clarissa said. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S DEAD?!" Cinderella said, holding Clarissa by her collar of her dress. "How about you calm down, and we can talk about this like old times...." Clarissa said scaredly. "IM NOT GOING TO 'CALM DOWN'! A TEENAGE BOY, KILLED MY SWEET SON!" Cinderella yelled. "I see you're angry..." Clarissa was cut off. "OH I'M MORE THEN ANGRY,  I'M PISSED! NOW WHERE IS THAT LITTLE BRAT?!" Cinderella yelled louder.  "Honey, maybe you should calm down," Prince Charming said, touching Cinderella's arm. "SHUT UP GREG!" Cinderella yelled.  "Uhh, you go get that brat honey," Prince Charm said, holding two thumb up and stepping back. Cinderella stomped out of the room. Clarissa grabbed the speaker. "TEDROS I'M LEGALLY ALLOWED TO SAY RUN FOR YOUR LIFE WHEN YOUR IN DANGER, AND YOUR IN DANGER NOW!"  Clarissa yelled in the speaker. "Do you like get extra pay for saying that?" Prince charming asked. "Yes, King Arthur bribed me with a lot of dresses," Clarissa said.  "That explains a lot," Prince Charming said.

Lady lesso was walking by hester. "Uhh, lady, lesso?" Hester asked. "What do you need, Hester?" Lesso questioned. "Ummm, i- was wondering if, ummm, you know it's umm family day -" Hester was cut off.  "She trying to ask you to be her parent for today," hort said. "HORT, I WILL KILL YOU," Hester yelled. Lesso stared at Hester. Hester rolled her eyes. "Ugh, I won't today," Hester said.  "If you want me to be your parent figure for today, I certainly can," lesso responded. "Thanks..." Hester said, running off with hort to the bridge.

"You going to tell her today?" Hort asked. "No," Hester responded. "Hes... come on!" Hort said, whining. Hort paused. "Fine, I'm going to see sophie, go have fun mopping around, loser," hort said, walking off. Hester walked off to a tree and climbed it, and sat down. She sat there for a few minutes without a coat in freezing, whether.  She was punishing herself for falling for an ever.  "Enjoying the view?" Agatha asked. "Ugh, what do you want?" Hester said, rolling her eyes. "I have a question," Agatha said. "You just asked one." Hester said. "I have two questions," Agatha said. "Ok, what's the second one?" Hester asked.  "Does hort like Sophie?" Agatha asked. "Why do you want to know?" Hester asked. "I just want to see if I'm right," Agatha said. "He does. Why?" Hester questioned. "Sophie, for some reason, thinks their just friends, I just wanted to warn you. You've seen what soph can do to boys, " Agatha said.  "Thanks for telling me, I'll tell the mutt," Hester said. "Oh also, i think you and Beatrix would look cute together," Agatha said, walking off.   Hester blushed. "DON'T TELL ANYONE ABOUT THAT, YOU HEAR ME, AGATHA?! ILL KILL YOU IF YOU DO!!!" Hester yelled, flaring her fist.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT BRAT?!" Cinderella yelled. Tedros was running to the school for evil. "LESSO!!!!" Tedros cried. Tedros hopped into lesso's arms. "Wtf?" Lesso said. "SHE'S GOING YO KILL ME!!" Tedros yelled. "Who?" Lesso asked,  so she can help them. "CINDERELLA, GREGOR'S MOM!" Tedros yelled. "Ella? HAHAHHAHA! she can barely hurt a fly!" Lesso chuckled. "SHE GOING TO KILL ME FOR KILLING GREGOR!!!" Tedros said. "Good, then I wouldn't have to deal with you," lesso said,  putting tedros on the ground.  "You can fight your own battles, Mr.swordman," lesso said,  walking away.  "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND,  SHE'S CRAZY," tedros screamed. "So? You can put on your big boy pants!" Lesso said sarcastically.

AN: I would not want to be tedros right now
Word count:1019

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