20. The News Drops

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"I went home.. Wait why am i telling you this, didn't you know i was home?" I asked her.

"Nope, i spent the night at Luna's". She said.


"Wait was my brother with you?" Luna asked.

"Yeah, i was with him, chill sis". Rowan said answering her question.

"Okay so you went home". Caleb said and i nodded. "So what did you do exactly?" He added.

"Well, um when i went home i was seriously sad and angry and depressed and like you guys know what i mean, right?" I asked as they nod their heads. "So i didn't know what to do, so i.. I-i-i called Theo so i can take drugs". I said stammering as they all gasped.

"Tyler why would you do that?" Mia asked.

"It's a long story trust me, i will tell you guys later but that not why we called you guys, we have to tell you something". I said.

"So you guys have been asking before and it was pretty annoying trust me but we wann drop the news now". Rowan said.

"Um, so me and um Rowan are um.. together". I said as i intertwined our fingers but as we looked at our friends there was no atom of surprise on their face.

"It was about time". Luna said while exhaling.

"What?" I said because i was now confused.

"Yeah what?" Rowan added.

"We've been waiting for you guys to get together for a long time". Evelyn said.

"Like you took too much time". Scarlett added.

"We knew you guys would end up together, but we didn't know when". Caleb said.

"So you guys have been waiting for us to happen?" I asked and they all said yeah.

"Oh, so what if we never happened, hmm?" Rowan asked.

"Well we made a bet and we split our selves into two groups". Willow said.

"And which ever groups losses has to do things for the winning group". Leo added

"So which group won?" I asked.

"The one that i'm in of course". Mia said.

"Oh okay". Rowan said and flashed a smile on his face.

"Sorry guys but i have to leave". Timothy said and got up from where he was seated and walked out of the cafe.

"What's up with him?" Caleb asked Scarlett and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I think i know what it is, i need to talk to him, be back in a minute". I said and pecked Rowan on the cheek and walked out and heard the girls squealing as i walked out.

I saw him standing by my jeep, like as if he knew that i was gonna come.

"Timothy!" I called to him as he turned to me. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing, i'm just-" he couldn't continue his sentence. "I'm sorry i just feel empty and i don't know why". He said crossing his hand.

"No need to explain, i already know, i'm sorry too Tim, i just hope your gonna be okay, like i said before our friendship is a gem to me, your like a brother i never had and i love you no matter what, there will be somebody out there waiting for you i know it". I said and he just buried his face in my neck.

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