Chapter 150: Elif's Gift

Start from the beginning

"Tell me, how do I fix them?" Asked Comet calmly, yet the feral expression would say otherwise.

"Hmm, why should I tell you that? This is what you get for escaping from my grasp." Remarked Elif with a mischievous smirk while glancing at Comet, who was trying his best to contain his rage.

"I thought you were too prideful to do something as cowardly as that; it seems like I was wrong about you, Elif! You're no different from every other Prince and Young Master I've encountered! Each of you thinks that just because you were born into a powerful organization, everyone else is beneath you, and they are nothing but insects to use as you please!" Exclaimed Comet in righteous anger as he pointed at Elif while killing intent laced his every word.

"First off, Comet, don't ever put me in the same category as anyone else; I'm nothing like those pathetic beings. I don't think that just because I was born into an Immortal Hegemony, everyone is inferior to me; everyone is inferior to me simply because I'm Elif August. Do not make that mistake again." Replied Elif with hostility while a frown adorned his face.

"Tch, whatever, all I want to know is how do I fix what you've done to my women!" Said Comet angrily.

"Hmph, reverting what I've done is relatively easy, at least for you; no one in this tiny realm would be capable of doing it. All you must do is destroy this soul, and everything I did will be reverted to normal." Said Elif as he folded his arms and eyed Comet.

When I heard what he said, I didn't bother waiting for him to continue speaking; with a swift motion, I tightly grabbed him by the neck and lifted him in the air, and was about to destroy him, yet, when I looked at his face, I saw him smiling. It was a smile that both angered and worried me; after those four hundred years of being fooled many times, I've become quite proficient in detecting lies, and that expression reeked of falsehood.

"You! What aren't you telling me!?" Questioned Comet through gritted teeth while squeezing Elif's neck.

"I don't mind informing you, but it's somewhat difficult to speak with when you're squeezing my neck." Said Elif with difficulty, all while smiling at Comet.

I reluctantly released Elif with an angry grunt, causing him to land on the ground while rubbing his neck before he looked at me.

"Like I was saying before, I was rudely interrupted; in order to revert the changes to your women, all you must do is destroy me. However, you're too late; the changes are now permanent, and it's all your fault, Comet." Remarked Elif with a slight smirk.

What he said caused a foreboding feeling to arise within me; I didn't want to believe what he said was true. However, deep within myself, some of me trusted his words, but I still hoped I was wrong. Clutching my rapidly beating heart, I looked at him with a hardened gaze while doing my best to keep calm, something very difficult to do while looking at his smirking face.

"W-What do you mean the changes are permanent!?" Exclaimed Comet hesitantly while looking at Elif.

"Their true memories have been destroyed, and the fake ones have become their true memories; it's all because you stepped into that blank area in their soul. That area wasn't made fragile for no reason; the moment something too powerful entered it, like your soul, for example, it would cause the area, along with what's hidden in there, to collapse the instant you exited the blank area. So essentially, if you had never entered that blank area, you'd still be able to retrieve their true memories; however, it's impossible now; they've been destroyed for quite some time." Declared Elif calmly with a smile while watching Comet's expression worsen with each passing second.

"N-No! You're lying! Y-You've got to be lying! I thought you were too prideful to do something like that! Besides, I had already scanned every inch of that blank area and found absolutely nothing." Said Comet while trying his best to suppress the despair that was slowly creeping into his heart.

"Haha, you're right about that; I would never do such a thing as pathetic as that, but from my perspective, I merely extended their life. Having already scanned their souls, I know they would be willing to do anything for you, even go against me and my Empire, yet while that is admirable, it is also foolish as it'll result in a quick death. So by manipulating their memories, I have effectively extended their life, so if anything, you should be thanking me." Said Elif with a large smile while standing mere inches away from Comet.

Hearing his words, I felt like my world was about to collapse; besides my desire for revenge, the only thing that kept me afloat was the wish to see my lovers.

"Well, I suppose I wasn't able to extend that Phoenix's life; however, she should be fine; she is a Phoenix, after all." Added Elif with a slight frown, though his words managed to save Comet from almost mentally collapsing.

'T-That's right! Spica left this realm shortly after me!' Thought Comet as he regained his fading will.

Looking Elif in the eyes, I stopped holding back and stabbed both of my hands directly inside his stomach before violently ripping him in half, which did manage to ease my frustration greatly.

"Hehe; this isn't over Comet; just know, the moment you step into the OverRealm, you're in my territory." Said Elif with a smirk as the two pieces of his soul began fading until they dissipated into thin air.

"It doesn't matter whose territory I am in; I'll find Spica and get my revenge by killing you! I swear on my Dao Heart!" Stated Comet with determined eyes, causing a slumbering intent within himself, which awakened during his four-hundred-year journey, to tremble.

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