Molly's In A Dilemma

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Molly was, understandably very depressed and upset about Y/n's . . . passing. She would've said traumatized, it was the first time she's seen a person pass under the sacrificial knife.

No longer did the house smell of burnt food. No longer did comforting words reach her ears. It was all silence- the house was silent without Y/n there.

So, seeking comfort, she leaned on her brother, Kit, who acted as if Y/n never even existed. Even asking who she was talking about whenever she mentioned their name.

She had yelled at him for it and in turn, she was grounded (the entire family even acted as if they never existed!).

When she sought out comfort from Kit, her brother, oddly, was cold and distant. So much so that she was concerned for him, but that concern was deep, deep down in her heart where depression had taken ahold.

"Kit, please!" Molly begged her elder brother, but all that did was earn a hand to her face and cold eye looking down at her.

"Not now, Molly. I have somewhere to be." He said, putting on his shoes and tying the laces.

"Then I'm going with you!" Molly said, not going to take "No" for an answer.

"No, you're not-" Kit tried to say but her mother scolded him from the kitchen, shouting, "You're taking your sister with you! This isn't a discussion young man!"

Molly smiled at Kit's frown and out the door they went - not before she put on her shoes as well - down the path, through the forest and to the town.

People greeted them with somber smiles, 'knowing' what had happened to Y/n - a lie that was told that they were murdered.

As they walked, the townsfolk stopped to give them their condolences for Y/n while promising that the murderer would be caught: Kit faced it all with a smile while Molly was sad and guilty, so, so, guilty.

Finally, they reached their destination - the library - where Kit walked inside, leaving Molly to try to run after him when someone stopped to give her a flower to place on Y/n's grave.

Gripping the flower tightly she ignored the tight feeling in her chest and opened the library door, immediately looking around for her brother who seemed to vanish into thin air. She would call out for him, but libraries were meant to be quiet and it was disrespectful (that Y/n taught her) to call out for someone.

So, while keeping an eye out for Kit, she roamed the library. Her eyes occasionally glancing at the books on the shelves before she came to a complete stop. One book had caught her attention, 'Witchcraft of the Mind' and she picked it up from the shelf.

Turning the pages a thought rose to mind, a hope, she could summon Y/n from the afterlife! She missed them so, so, so much and she so desperately wanted to apologize to them. Make it up to them, somehow!

Page after page fell as she skimmed through it until she came across what she needed, summoning spells- what are the odds that a book such as this would be in a town such as the one she lived in?

Was it a sign?!

She sure hoped so-

Wait. What was she doing before? She thought about it for a moment before she realized- Kit! She was looking for Kit!

She closed the book, and- and- she looked down at it. No one could know she was the one who wanted to borrow such a thing. Everyone would consider her to be a witch and she'd be- be- sacrificed.

Making sure no one was looking - and that there were no cameras - she stuffed it into the waistband of her pants (it was a small book after all, one that would easily be skimmed over).

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