"Not too bad. I think you can handle this one, right Greenie?" 

I nodded at Clint whilst Noah quietly muttered, "not too bad" to himself a few times. 

The first logical step I could think of starting with was cleaning up the scrapes and icing the bruises. As soon as I touched one of Noah's scrapes, he start yapping to Newt.

"So, Newt, don't you think it's pretty funny how I'm the Greenie's first ever patient? It's literally a sign. Look, we're already bonding!"

"Noah- you're always in the Med-Hut. Quit being delusional. She's just cleaning your wounds!"

"Aw c'mon, man. You can't deny it! I'm clearly getting rizzy. I'm the rizz master!" 

I could have sworn I heard Newt chuckle, but he managed to keep a straight face.

"Just watch me. Hey Alice, are you a Med-Jack? Cause I'm dying for you."

Jeff walked into the wall after hearing that. 

"Are your eyes the Maze? Cause I'm getting lost-"

"Bloody hell, Noah. That's enough, you're good to go."

"I almost wish I wasn't done treating him, he's a funny guy!" I laughed.


"I'll consider it. Now go on before Gally gets all angry."

Noah got up and winked at me before shutting the door behind him. 

The moment he left, Clint, Newt, and Jeff bursted out laughing. I was confused considering how serious they were two seconds ago but couldn't help joining in. 

"That kid's unbelievable, innit Alice?"

Seeing Newt smile for probably the first time since my arrival only made me laugh harder. 


     My work in the Med-Hut actually went great! I stayed there for another hour or so, and during that time I managed to treat a few injures and a sick boy pretty quickly. It all felt so natural to me; I was even able to make a few herbal medicines that neither Clint or Jeff had thought of before. 

A feeling of sadness washed over me as Newt walked me to the Builders. At least Noah might keep me distracted from Mr. Eyebrows.

"Hey, she-bean! Let's move it. We've got quite a bit of work to do if you want your hut done on time." 

Gally was working on my hut! My own hut! It was near the woods, but not too far from the Homestead. This was perfect. By the looks of it, they were starting the roof and adding finishing touches to the walls. Newt went to talk with Hank and Dan, two other Builders, when my attention was drawn upwards. 



Noah dropped at least three nails on my head. 

"Yeah! I'm fine!"

"Sorry about that, Greenie. The kid's pretty clumsy, but he's the only one light enough to work on the roof without making it all come crashing down." 

Little does Gally know I'm just as clumsy.

A slight gust of wind flew by and some pieces of paper went along with it. An idea came to mind, so I jumped up to Gally and grabbed the pencil from behind his ear, (which made him look like Bob the Builder by the way) and chased after the flying pages. I probably looked more childish than Noah.

Once I got a hold of a blank sheet, I didn't hesitate to start drawing. These Builders seemed pretty lost on how to make a cool looking building. No offense, but they were practically making a square. At least add some detail to it!

"Yo, Greenie! You gotta get back to work. No free- NEWT! COME LOOK AT THIS!" Gally shouted.

I had drawn out a new building design that was able to give me more space and my own bathroom without wasting too much extra supplies. 

"Oh, wow. That's really bloody good, Alice. It's brilliant. Unlike Gally."

Maybe I would be able to fit in with the Gladers. 

(A/N: what job do we think she'll get? Or will she get her own job? *winks like Noah*)

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙑𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें