He uttered and I didn't know where did I get the courage that I asked him the most unlikely yet likely question. "What ways?" his gaze switched from being softly intimidating to quite dark. His hands slid towards my waist and I let out a scream when he lifted me up and as a reflex action I wrapped my legs around his torso and hooked my hands around his neck.

Next thing I knew was I was pushed against the wall while his body pressed against mine as he rested his forehead against mine. That move was hot. I could hear my own heavy breaths echoing in the bathroom. "Look now you are touching me. No. Actually clinging on to me." I bit my lips looking at him. The soft fabric brushing against my clothed legs made me realize that he had a towel wrapped around his lower body already and he purposely lied to me.

"You are such a liar." I said looking at him. "Would you have come if I had called you?" he asked and i could feel him squeezing my under thigh. I also felt something else at my center and I bit my lips to realize what was that. The tension seemed to linger around us as he stared at my lips without looking away even for a bit.

"Bite those lips again and see me loose my control, my Lily." I immediately let go my lips hearing his deep voice which sounded more like a warning and I couldn't help but obey him. He looked at me wherein his gaze showed a lot more different emotions. Out of all, I could sense the desire and tension. My heart thumped loudly inside my ribcage. He leaned closer to me tightening his grip on me. My chest pressed against his.

I felt my all the nerves sending jerks to my core when I felt his hardened length right at my center. "May I kiss you, my Sunshine?" I melted when he asked that in his most softest and velvety voice. I wouldn't mind if he kissed me because he is my husband. Haha everyone knows that. My heart was ready to let him kiss me breathlessly just like in that book I was reading a while ago because I could feel my heart had kinda accepted him and there was no going back anymore. But my mind, I don't know. My gaze trailed from his eyes to his lips as he leaned closer but.........

"OH MY GOD!!" Our eyeballs seemed to fall out of our heads when we saw Mom standing there with her back facing us. Taehyung immediately let go off me and I covered my face out of embarrassment. "I m sorry. I should have knocked before coming." She said and I was too embarrassed to even utter a single word.

"Mom, how could you barge into the bathroom like this?" Taehyung spoke. "I wasn't getting the water supply in my room so I thought to check if everyone was facing the same problem. As your room was nearest, I came here. I saw no one was in the room, so I decided to check by myself not knowing that you guys were having a silent romance in here." She explained.

"I will leave now." She left leaving me and Taehyung both embarrassed. Our eyes met and I looked away and quickly walked away before he catches me again. "This is literally the second time someone has interrupted our moment." I heard him whine while I giggled lightly.


Siya's POV

It was mid evening when I was working in the study. I looked up at the door when I saw someone entering and it was Mr. Kim. "Oh I didn't know you were here." Saying this he was about to go but I stopped him. "Mr. Kim." He turned around while I stood up from my chair walking towards front of the table. "I wanted to talk about something." I said and saw him closing the door and walking towards me.

He stood at the little distance away from me. "Yes." I sighed and decided to ask him about the things that I had been wanting to know from past few days. "Did you know me before?" I saw his expressions slightly change. "What do you mean?" he questioned. "I feel that you have known me for the longest time but I m not able to recall it. I feel like I have met you long before. So tell me, what are you hiding?"

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