Then I shall give you that 'another chance'

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"Then, I will give you that 'another chance'…"

I heard those words of God and I did not trust my ears.  I thought I made a mistake in listening.  Even though what God said might be ambiguous, only one idea struck my mind, which was If I could get another chance, then I would do anything to get it.

Without wasting a second to guess, I sprinted to god, fell at his feet, and started beseeching him. I prostrated and rubbed my nose against the floor. I asked him-

"God, if you can give me just one chance to correct my mistakes, then I will risk anything to attain that chance, I don't want to regret the way I lived for eternity. Please, please, please…(I screamed while sobbing)"

God held me by my shoulders and lifted me up and then I knelt looking up at his radiant face.  God caught my tears with his three tender fingers and rubbed them on my forehead with a pure smile. He then chanted a shloka-

"|| Tayata Om, Bekandze Bekandze, Maha Bekandze, Radza Samudgate Soha ||"

And suddenly a flow of positive energy ran throughout my body. I felt as if someone had lifted tons of weight off my soul. I found that my tears stopped coming down and the regret which was devouring my soul was satisfied. I was feeling only one thing, and that was the fire to achieve my dream of making as many people as I could happy.

"Forgive my insolence, my lord. I jumped on your feet without your permission and brushed you with these two vicious hands. I will gladly accept your 'Divine Judgment' of the retrial." I asserted as soon as I regained my senses and calmed down by God's blessing. Also, I backed up to maintain a distance between me and god and knelt.  It's another thing that I got to feel the radiance of god and even god blessed me by touching me. I couldn't be more elated.

"You're correct. I should pass the 'Divine Judgment' that I thought of after hearing your three responses. You said you would risk anything to attain that another chance and also from your perspective, reincarnating one's soul in the human world is also a kind of punishment right?"

"I'm afraid that those are my words indeed, and I am up for any punishment for that."

"Well then, I pass the 'Divine Judgment'  you,the Soul of Amit, will be reincarnated in the human world once again as a punishment."( God began to chuckle again)

"How is that a punishment for me, my lord? For me, it's a blessing in disguise." I argued humbly.

"Well, if I were to use your words, then I would say that it's a matter of perspective, right? For me, I'm reincarnating you as a punishment,  but for you, I'm bestowing upon you that precious 'another chance' you longed for, isn't it? Hahaha, who said that 'Divine judgment' always means a punishment? 'Divine judgment' means giving a soul something it deserves. And I know that you deserve this 'another chance', so you will get what you deserve."

"As your will, my lord." I am currently responding calmly because of that blessing god gave me.

"Then I shall explain something regarding your next life, first of all, you will forget everything about your past life and even our encounter here.
Second, the world in which you will be reincarnated will not be equivalent to your previous globe."

"Dear god, I apologize for being presumptuous, but I must ask you to do something so that I can retain my memory of past life because my memories are the essence of my soul. Without them, I would be a completely different person. I wanted to forsake this memory of when I was alive. But I currently apprehend that without my experiences of the past, I won't be able to be my true self in my next life. And I don't want that. I want to atone for everything and achieve what I want retaining my true self. I don't want to repeat the same mistakes. The memories I have will guide me on how to avoid walking the path again. So, please accept my plea."

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