What does God mean to You?

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I asked myself, "Is this the omnipotent being that people often call God?"

The being was even able to decipher what I was muttering to myself and when it heard my question, it chuckled and said - "What is the definition of God?
"What is your definition of God? What does God mean to you?"

I wondered in my mind how he could ask such a profound question while chuckling. Any questions? Man? I mean, I am dead, cut me some slack. Did I commit suicide so that I could attend a philosophical lecture by a god-like being? And without explaining a damn thing, he threw questions at me.

All these random thoughts were running through my mind, but one thing was for sure, I didn't dare say a single rude word about my thoughts in front of him, because I could feel the warm and humble aura, and I knew that it wouldn't take a second for this aura to turn into a cold, fierce and intimidating aura. And I doubt that any trace of my soul would be found after a single measly blow from it.

So I somehow gathered myself and my courage and tried to answer his questions with humility. I said that for these foolish monkeys of the earth, God is someone who is like a 'merchant' or 'trader' who fulfills their wish when they go to God and ask for something and in return offer various precious things to God.
Someone who created the universe, life, and these monkeys. They believe that God is someone who will punish them for committing sins, and they still commit sins and try to justify their actions. Then they try to bribe God by offering something again so that God will forgive their sins. They built temples, churches, mosques, and other divine places to spread peace and harmony, but they wouldn't hesitate to take the lives of others if it would benefit them. They have made the term 'God' so complicated that a few years ago I was confused as to what God is and what He wants. Is he a merchant or a trader, I used to wonder, or is he someone who delights in the suffering and pain of others? I used to puzzle my brain thinking about it, and I even reached a point where I wasn't even aware of my surroundings for days on end. But even after so much struggle, I could not find an answer. I was disappointed in myself.

Then I had a brilliant idea. When you are thirsty, you find an object consisting of water, so in the same way, I thought, to know God, I would have to find an object consisting of knowledge about God, so I started reading holy books like Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Holy Quran and Holy Bible and many similar books.

After immersing myself in these books for months, I came to know what God means to me. For me, God is someone who is both similar to and different from human beings. He is someone who makes mistakes like any human being, but God is never ashamed to accept his mistakes. God is someone who never intends to hurt anyone, but even if he does accidentally, he tries his best to atone for it. God is someone who knows every emotion like anger, love, compassion, humility, jealousy, sadness, elation, etc., but unlike human beings, He knows very well which emotions can lead to the degradation of His soul. God loves each of His children equally, one who never discriminates against a single being. He never judges and condemns people, but reincarnates them to atone for their mistakes so that their souls can live in peace. For me, God in a nutshell is a being that is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, has both an evil and a good side, and knows very well when to use which side. So if a human being can attain all these qualities, even that human being will be a god to me.
[The expression on the being standing in front of Amit didn't change. But I think if Amit had said this in front of people, they might have considered him to be a messenger of God. By the way, from the description, Amit may not sound like a scholar. It maybe hard to believe but believe me, he was a child prodigy, you can say that].

He responded to my answer (still grinning)
"Is that all you have to say about an existence like God or whatever, are you satisfied with your answer? if you want then I guess I am all ears, after all, you always complain that no one listens to me and my thoughts. I have no one to confess my feelings to or anything like that, right?"

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